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How to Increase Blog Traffic?

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: September 15, 2024

Increasing blog traffic is the major target for bloggers, content writers, and businesses trying to expand their online presence. With thousands and millions of blogs competing with each other for the reader’s attention, it is not an easy task to achieve blog traffic. You will need a strategic approach that combines valuable and engaging content with effective SEO practices. No technique or method can put your blog on SERP ranks and drive traffic from it. So, how can you increase the visibility of your blog and drive traffic from it to your website?

You need to understand and leverage various techniques like SEO, creating genuine and compelling content, strategic use of social media, building backlinks, and many more. Deploying all of these methods will allow you to attract more visitors to your website, enhancing your online presence. Sounds too much complicated, right? Don’t worry; we have dedicated this guideline to explain and teach you how to increase your blog traffic.

14 Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Blog

As we mentioned earlier, you need to deploy various methods to increase the visibility of your blog and drive more traffic. There are lots of grounds to cover in order to achieve your target traffic from a blog. To make it easier for you, we have included the 14 most effective ways to increase traffic to your blog.

1. Optimize for SEO

The first and most important job here is to optimize your blog for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is the key to increasing the visibility of your blog in the SERP rankings and generating more organic traffic to your website

SEO is a whole package that involves various techniques and aspects to build your online presence. It makes sure that the search engine can properly understand your content to crawl, index, rank, and present your content to the users looking for relevant information. Optimizing for SEO includes the following tasks:

  • Keyword research
  • Optimize titles and meta description
  • Use header tags properly
  • Create keyword-relevant content
  • Optimize images and multimedia
  • Improve page loading speed
  • Build internal and external links
  • SEO friendly URLs
  • Update the blogs on a regular basis

2. Write Compelling Headlines

The first thing a reader sees in your blog is the headline. People are peaky and always look for unique and interesting topics. If your heading is boring or doesn’t create a curiosity to read the whole thing, your content will most likely fall. Your headline must be clear, attention-grabbing, and promise value to the readers. If you can write such headings, your blog will definitely bring more traffic.

You may ask, how do I write such compelling headings? We have the answer, don’t worry. Here are 10 crucial tips that you can follow to make your heading compelling and attractive.

  • Make it clear and concise so the reader knows what the blog is about at first glance
  • Use relevant numbers and lists in the heading like “7 Tips” or “5 Best Strategies”
  • Include power words like ultimate, proven, best, effective, and others
  • Promise benefits or solutions in the headline
  • Naturally mix and use the keywords
  • Ask questions to the readers
  • Try to use the “How-To” format
  • Create a sense of urgency or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

That is way too much to process in one go, right? Let’s look at some examples to clear up any confusion and make it easier to digest.

Suppose you are writing a blog about the basics of becoming a gardener. You can use headings like: “7 easy steps to become an expert gardener” or “A step-by-step guide to becoming a gardener in a week.”

3. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is a powerful technique to drive traffic to your blogs. It is a method where you write and publish content on other reputable websites with potentially larger audiences. If correctly done, guest blogging can bring you a range of benefits. You can tap into an established audience, build authority and reliability, gain backlinks, and generate high-quality traffic from your own blog posts. Here are the key benefits of guest blogging in increasing traffic.

  • Reaching a new audience
  • Building authority and credibility
  • Gaining high-quality backlinks
  • Driving targeted traffic
  • Networking with other bloggers
  • Increasing social media exposure

Now, you may wonder, “How can I write a proper blog?” or “Where should I publish it?” To answer these questions, we have prepared a breakdown of the functionality of guest blogging into some simple tasks.

  • Choose the right blogs to guest post
  • Create high-quality and valuable content
  • Optimize anchor texts and links
  • Find a popular and relevant guest blogging website
  • Engage with the readers

4. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective strategy to increase blog traffic. You can directly engage your audience using personalized, valuable content. You also can regularly share your latest blog posts, updates, offers and other information with a proper target email list. It will allow your audience to know about the latest updates and come back to your website.

Here is how email marketing increases blog traffic:

  • Direct communication with your audience
  • Promoting new content
  • Using email campaigns
  • Regular updates using newsletters
  • Exclusive content and offers
  • Encourage social sharing

These factors have a high influence on the traffic of your blog, and proper email marketing ensures all of these. However, you have to design a proper email structure that attracts your audience. So, how can you write an attractive email? Here is the deal: follow the steps below, and your email marketing will perform at a new level.

  • Craft compelling subject lines
  • Use engaging previews and snippets
  • Include clear CTAs (Call To Action)
  • Optimize the email for mobile users
  • Provide value to the content
  • Evolve through trial and error

These small factors can turn your email from boring marketing emails to attractive and engaging emails.

5. Repurpose Content

As the name suggests, repurposing means changing the purpose of an existing element. In the content domain, repurposing content involves transforming existing content structures to target a different audience. It has two major benefits aside from boosting traffic. The first one is it will reduce your time and effort in content creation. Second, it will allow you to distribute your content to different audiences and communities. These two benefits combined ultimately result in increased blog traffic.

So, how does repurposing content contribute to traffic? Let’s see how this method functions.

  • Reaching new audiences on different platforms
  • Improving SEO with multiple content formats
  • Extending content lifespan
  • Increasing backlinks and social shares

More or less, these are the key functionalities of repurposing content. But how do you repurpose content? There are many ways and you can use your creativity to keep exploring new ways. We have sorted some of the most common and useful ways to repurpose content below.

  • Turn blog posts into videos
  • Create infographics from data-heavy content
  • Use blog content for social media posts
  • Convert blog series into eBooks or guides
  • Create slide decks for platforms like SlideShare
  • Republish content on other platforms
  • Update and refresh old content

These are just the basics and common ways. You can use your creativity to make more ways of repurposing your blogs.

6. Participate in Online Communities

Participating in online communities involves getting active in forums, social media groups, Q&A platforms, and your business-specific communities. There, you can find a large chunk of your target audience who are active and communicating. You can build relationships with them by sharing your insights, opinions, and expertise in the community. It will result in an increase in targeted traffic to your blogs and website. Here is how engaging in communities helps you:

  • Builds trust and authority
  • Generates highly targeted traffic
  • Increase content visibility
  • Enhance SEO through backlinks
  • Drives consistent traffic over time

Now, the question is, how can you get engaged in online communities? Follow the steps below, and it will become easier.

  • Identify relevant communities
  • Share relevant blogs
  • Follow the community guidelines
  • Engage consistently
  • Use engaging and authentic language
  • Network with community leaders

7. Optimize for Mobile

You never know which device your audience will use to visit your website or read your content. Now, most people use smartphones to access the internet. There are also tab users. Nowadays, smart devices come in a variety of display sizes. So, you must ensure that your blog and the webpage are optimized for different screen sizes, especially mobiles. The question comes, how does optimizing for phones help? Well, here are the ways this method helps to increase blog traffic:

  • Improved user experience attracts readers
  • High search engine rankings drive organic traffic
  • Reduces bounce rate
  • Faster loading time impresses readers
  • Increased social sharing

The impact of optimizing for mobile is mainly SEO based. As we already know, SEO is the first and most important aspect of increasing blog traffic. Now, the question is, what are the best practices for optimizing a blog for mobile? Let’s find out how to do it.

  • Use a responsive design
  • Improve page load speed
  • Simplify navigation
  • Optimize content layout
  • Optimize images and videos for mobile
  • Leverage mobile pop-ups wisely

8. Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

Focusing on long-tail keywords helps you target more specific and lower-competition search items relevant to your blog. Long tail keywords are mainly made of three or more words and are more specific. It drives more targeted traffic to your blog and significantly improves its SEO performance. Here are the ways how long-tail keywords increase blog traffic:

  • Lower competition, so easier ranking
  • Attracting targeted traffic
  • Better match with the user’s search intent
  • A high conversion rate
  • Better content depth and relevance

So, how do you implement long-tail keywords? Here is a step-by-step instruction you can follow:

  • Conduct thorough keyword research
  • Analyze search intent
  • Create high-quality and in-depth content
  • Use the long-tail keyword naturally in the blog
  • Focus on question-based keywords like “How to” or “What are”
  • Optimize the blog for voice search
  • Target related long-tail keywords
  • Update existing blog using long-tail keywords

9. Use Internal Linking

Internal linking is a method where you link your different blogs with one another using anchor texts. The linked blogs have to be relevant and belong to the same domain. If you can properly apply internal linking, it works like a guide showing different related blogs around the reader. Also, it helps your SEO performance by ensuring smooth crawling of the search engine. Let’s look at the functionality of internal linking and understand its benefits in increasing traffic.

  • Improved user navigation and experience
  • Enhances SEO and crawling
  • Distribute web page authority
  • Encourages the reader to explore more blogs
  • Supports content clusters and topic authority

Now, you may wonder, “How do I apply internal linking?” Don’t worry, we made a breakdown of the process so you can implement this technique easily.

  • Use descriptive anchor text
  • Link to relevant and related blog
  • Create content clusters with pillar pages
  • Use a natural and strategic placement for anchoring
  • Update older posts with new internal links
  • Ensure deep linking
  • Link to high-converting pages
  • Don’t overdo it

10. Promote Posts on Content Discovery Platforms

Promoting posts on content discovery platforms is highly fruitful in increasing the traffic of your main blog. You may need to use some tools and platforms like Outbrain, Taboola, Medium, or Quora to distribute your content to a wider audience. It helps you deliver your content to the people who wouldn’t find your blog organically through search engines. This method expands your reach and brings more traffic to your blog. Now let’s see how it helps with your blog traffic:

  • Reaches a wider audience
  • Drives high-quality referral traffic
  • Boosts the visibility of your blog quickly
  • Increases brand awareness on various platforms
  • It can be used for content repurposing

Now comes the topic of how to promote posts on different platforms. Here are some key steps you can follow for effective blog promotion across various platforms:

  • Choose the right platforms for promoting blogs
  • Create engaging headlines and thumbnails
  • Target the right audience
  • Promote high-quality and valuable content
  • Set a budget for promotion and monitor the ROI
  • Utilize UTM parameters to track performance
  • Experiment with different content platforms

11. Collaborate with Influencers

Collaborating with influencers means working with someone with a strong presence and following in your niche or industry. They are called influencers because they can significantly change their audience’s behavior. If an influencer promotes your blog in a relevant community, the followers will respond to it, increasing the targeted traffic of your blog. Let’s look at some of the most important benefits of collaborating with influencers.

  • Expands reach to new audiences
  • Builds credibility and trust
  • Boosts social proof and engagement
  • Creates high-quality backlinks
  • Generates top-notch content ideas and opportunities

You may think, “How can I ensure that collaboration with influencers will boost my blog traffic?” Well, we’ve got you covered. Here are the best practices of the process that ensure a good result.

  • Identify the right influencers
  • Build a relationship before pitching
  • Choose the right type of collaboration
  • Promote collaboration across different channels
  • Create high-quality and shareable content
  • Use call to actions

12. Use Multimedia

Using multimedia in content involves using a range of visual and interactive elements like images, videos, infographics, and more. Including these in blogs makes the content interesting and engaging to the readers. It helps in attracting more visitors and keeping them loyal to your website. Let’s explore some of the major benefits of using multimedia in your blog.

  • Enhances user engagement
  • Makes the blog shearable
  • Boosts SEO and organic traffic
  • Supports different learning styles
  • Increases dwell time
  • Drives traffic from different channels

To make the use of multimedia effective in increasing traffic to your content, you can consider the following tips:

  • Use high-quality images and graphics
  • Create and embed videos
  • Design custom infographics
  • Leverage audio content and podcasts
  • Optimize multimedia for SEO

13. Update Old Blog Posts

Updating old blog posts is a highly effective strategy to increase traffic to those blogs. It includes refreshing existing content to make it relevant, precise, and useful for the readers. Search engines like Google prioritizes fresh and up-to-date content. So, going through your old blog and editing to add the latest news and updates is a great step. It will boost engagement by ranking it highly in the SERP. This is how updating old blogs helps:

  • Improves search engine rankings
  • Updates outdated information
  • Offers better user experience
  • Makes the blog shearable
  • Brings in lost traffic

We have also arranged some tips for you that will help update old blogs.

  • Identify posts with potential
  • Update old and outdated information
  • Add new perspectives and insights
  • Optimize for SEO
  • Refresh multimedia content
  • Use new internal linking
  • Create “Updated” labels for old content

14. Offer Exclusive Content or Lead Magnets

Offering lead magnets or exclusive content is a powerful method of attracting visitors to blogs. Lead magnets are valuable content with exclusive data that you provide in exchange for the reader’s contact info. The contact info can be an email or maybe the phone number of the reader. You can kill 2 birds with one stone using this method, increasing blog traffic and building a loyal audience. Here is how it works in your favor:

  • Attracts targeted audiences
  • Builds an email list for repeat traffic
  • Increases engagement and dwell time
  • Converts casual readers into loyal subscribers
  • Boosts SEO through high-quality content

Are you wondering about how to use this strategy effectively? Here, we have some tips for making it easier and more effective.

  • Create high-value and relevant lead magnets
  • Use clear and compelling CTAs
  • Create gated content offers
  • Use pop-ups, slide-ins, and inline forms
  • Promote exclusive content across different channels

Get More Blog Traffic with VISER X’s Creative Content Services

To sum it up, increasing blog traffic is not a piece of cake. You have to use a range of methods and techniques according to your objective and niche. You need to develop a unique strategy based on the current traffic status, business type, target audience, and many more variables. In a nutshell, it is not possible for any single person or inexperienced people to bring you value in this case. So, what should you do?

Don’t worry; VISER X is here to help you. With our creative content writing service, you can boost your blog traffic significantly within a short time. Our content writers are expert and experienced in a wide range of niches. They are highly focused wordsmiths, crafting SEO-optimized, compelling, and informative content that will easily rank in SERP. As a result, you will get high-quality and targeted traffic that pushes your business to the next level.


How do I find the right influencer to collaborate with?

The right influencer must align with your business niche, have an impact on your target audience, and understand your brand value. They must have a genuine and engaged following and create high-quality content.

What is FOMO?

FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is the anxiety or fear that one might miss out on something rewarding or interesting. This idea is used in Creative Content Writing. You can create this FOMO for readers with your writing skills that keep your readers hooked.

How do I grab the attention of the online community leaders?

You have to engage with the people of the community. Regularly share your in-depth insights, answer other’s questions, and follow the community roles. The more active you are, the faster you can come to the attention of community leaders.

What is the impact of SEO in increasing my blog traffic?

SEO is the most important and impactful strategy for increasing blog traffic. It will rank your blog highly on the SERP, bringing in increased organic traffic and increasing the CTR of your blog.

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