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White Hat vs Black Hat SEO: What's the Difference?

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: August 29, 2024

In the domain of Search Engine Optimization, two major approaches are widely popular. On one side, there is White Hat SEO, and on the other side is Black Hat SEO. There are many debates and confusion regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of these methods. It is easy to lose your way in all this confusion, personally, I was confused myself in the beginning. 

Are you also hesitating about choosing the best method? Don’t worry, we got your back. In this article, we will end the confusion and debate on white hat SEO vs black hat SEO once and for all. So, keep reading to the end.

What are White Hat, Gray Hat, and Black Hat SEO Strategies?

First, let’s understand what these terms mean and stand for. You can easily guess the perspective of White Hat and Black Hat SEO. As the name suggests, the White Hat means the good and proper approach, and the Black Hat means the bad and shortcut method. There is another SEO method growing popular now a days, Gray Hat SEO. It is neither good nor bad, a middle line between the Black and White hate methods.

White Hat SEO

As we mentioned earlier, this is considered “the good guy” method. This approach prioritizes and obeys the proper search engine guidelines. It tries to offer genuine value to the users. This method is made of high-quality content and high-quality backlinks. This approach tries to ensure an overall positive user experience. The main objective of this method is to serve long-term success by cracking into the SERP rankings using merit, hard work, and relevance.

Black Hat SEO

The Black Hat SEO method stands on the opposite side of the White Hat method. This is the “bad guy” approach. It focuses on using the loopholes of search engine algorithms to manipulate the search engine. The main goal is to boost the rankings on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page), which is often done for temporary advantages. This method includes not only keyword stuffing and web page cloaking but also spammy backlinks. Yes, you can get some temporary benefits from it, but they often result in penalties from search engines. That can severely damage your ranking in the long run, devastating your entire online presence.

Gray Hat SEO

Gray Hat SEO is a hybrid of Black Hat and White Hat SEO practices. They stand in the middle ground of these two major SEO techniques. It is not entirely against the search engine guidelines but doesn’t follow all of them. This method includes using automated tools to generate content, buying old domains with existing backlinks, and slightly altering the content for different audiences. This method can provide faster rankings in the SERP but bears the risk of penalties if the search engine decides to get strict. It is basically balancing both white and black hat SEOs to increase short-term goals and minimize long-term risks.

Difference Between White Hat and Black Hat SEO

There are many differences between these two methods as they are completely opposite of each other. Here, we have prepared a table to make it easy for you to understand the differences better.



White Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO



Ethical SEO approach, adheres to search engine guidelines.

Unethical SEO approach, violates almost all of the search engine guidelines.


Sustainable and long-term ranking with traffic growth.

Fast and short-term benefits and often unsustainable.



- High-quality content creation

- Relevant keyword usage

- Proper link building

- User-friendly website interface

- Keyword stuffing

- Cloaking

- Farming links

- Hidden texts and links

- Automatic content generation



Minimal risk as it obeys search engine guidelines and is compliant with algorithm updates.

High risk, often leads to penalties or even bans from search engines.


Stable and consistent improvement in SERP rankings over time.

Fast but unstable rankings.

User Experience

Focused on improving the overall user interface.

Often ignores user experience to manipulate the search engine.


Example Strategies

- Writing original and valuable content

- Optimizing meta tags and alt text properly

- Building organic backlinks

- Using duplicate content to manipulate rankings

- Engaging in rank schemes

- Using automated tools to generate spam content


Follows ethical guidelines.

Unethical and deceptive.

Search Engines Guidelines

Fully compliant with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and other search engines.

Violates Google’s and every other search engine’s guidelines.

Which Hat is Good For SEO?

Now, you can already guess which approach is the best for SEO. Of course, it is White Hat SEO! Let’s find out why the white hat method is the best way in detail.

Long-Term Success

You already know that White Hat SEO follows ethical guidelines and complies with search engine rules. Using this results in a stable and sustainable SERP ranking over time. Another crucial point is search engines like Google update their SEO algorithm once in a while. It helps them improve their search results' quality and provide the user with exactly what they are looking for.

The White Hat SEO is designed to align with these updates and keep a stable ranking even after an update. It reduces the chances of rank penalties after an update or rank drops to the minimum.

User Experience

White Hat SEO encourages to publish high-quality content and and optimal website design that creates a positive impact on the user. A user-friendly website should load fast, be mobile-friendly, and serve proper content that meets the user’s search intent.

When you ensure these aspects, it builds trust in the user and increases the website’s credibility. White Hat SEO will boost your reputation and help you create a strong connection with the user.

Compliance with Search Engine Guidelines

Want to know the best thing about the White Hat SEO approach? This approach has no penalties! As this method obeys all the search engine rules and follows their guideline, you won’t get any penalties after updates. On the other hand, if you use Black Hat SEO, you might get penalties in ranking or even get removed from the SERP entirely.

Also, White Hat strategies result in organic traffic and growth. Unlike Black Hat SEO, it may be slow and take some time, but it is stable and has no risks.

Better ROI (Return on Investment)

As we said earlier, White Hat SEO brings in organic and quality traffic. It means, you get users who are really interested in your content and business. So you can easily convert them into customers and grow your business.

It will also contribute to building your brand and spreading positive awareness among the masses. Your Return on Investment will increase as your reputation grows as a reliable and authentic business.

Legal and Ethical

From an ethical perspective, White Hat SEO is the only option to choose. You can rest easy knowing you are following the right path. It will serve you peace of mind and avoid any legal and ethical obligations later in the long run. And as you deliver genuine content while maintaining ethics, you will positively impact the business community.

Is Link Building Black Hat, White Hat, or Gray Hat SEO?

Well, link building can fall under all these categories. Link building is not the factor here; how you build the links is the point that changes the category. It is getting a bit confusing, right? Let’s break down the link-building process of all 3 categories so you can understand easily.

White Hat Link Building

In this process, you “earn” backlinks through authentic and high-quality content. You make content that is worth linking to. You can engage in guest posting on reputable sites or outreach for link placements. Another option is gaining links from proper partnerships.

Again, this process is accepted by the search engines as ethical link-building that focuses on providing proper value to the customers. Still having a hard time understanding it? Let’s look at an example to clear all confusion.

Suppose you are creating content that provides an in-depth guide to something. Or, maybe you are presenting your own research into a content. These types of content are shareable and help in link building. You can also establish relationships with other authentic websites and earn links using content promotion. 

Gray Hat Link Building

This approach used borderline tactics to build links. The method is not straight unethical, but you can consider it as manipulative and risky. These methods do not go against the search engine guidelines directly but can drop your SERP rank dramatically. Here is a great example of Gray Hat link building:

Suppose you purchased an expired domain that has strong previous backlinks. These previous links can send users to your website, increasing your total traffic. Or you may engage in a link exchange relationship where you mention your partner in a blog that is irrelevant to his business. These processes of link-building are considered Gray Hat.

Black Hat Link Building

This is the most dangerous and unethical approach to link building. This method uses manipulative tactics to gain backlinks that violate every search engine rule. It will bring you quick results, but later, it can ruin your business.

To be aware of these practices, let’s look at some examples that are considered Black Hat link-building.

  • Buying backlinks from low-quality or spam websites.
  • Engaging in link farms, where a group of websites only link each other to boost their linking profile.
  • Hiding links within content or code without the user’s knowledge to manipulate search engines and boost rankings.

If you do any of these unethical jobs to gain backlinks, you will be in danger sooner or later.

Grow Your Business with White Hat SEO Agency

In this digital era, having a strong online presence is a must for any small or big business. And what better option is there except White Hat SEO? By implementing ethical tactics, you can ensure long-term success with consistent and sustainable business growth with a high SERP ranking. You must seek professional help because they know the best way around this field. However, you have to make sure that the professionals you hire use White Hat SEO strategies. In this case, VISER X will be a great option.

VISER X stands out as the best candidate because we have been in this business for almost a decade and have huge real-life experience. Not just SEO, we also specialize in web development, software development, and many other services. We will inspect your website and understand your business and its vision to make a unique White Hat SEO strategy from scratch. They are very skillful in creating high-quality content, organic link-building, and optimizing the website. If you want to build a stable and powerful online presence for a long-term business, you should definitely check us. You can contact us anytime; we are always here to help you out.


Should I use black hat SEO if I have a small business?

Definitely NO! You might run a small business, but using black hat SEO can reduce your online visibility or even erase your online presence. And you don’s want to disappear totally from the internet, right?

How much time does white hat SEO take?

There is no fixed time, actually. White hat SEO is like a long-term investment that will show you the result with time. You have to be patient and believe in the slow growth, potentially making you a giant in the future.

What is the ethical standpoint of gray hat SEO?

Gray hat SEO is a combination of white hat and black hat practices. Some aspects of this method may seem legal, but overall, the whole method is deceptive. And if you get caught, you will get penalties and fall far behind in the SERP rank.

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