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SEO Rich Text: A Guide to Rich Snippets for SEO

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: July 7, 2024

Have you ever wondered why some websites look cool and fancy when you search for something online? That extra zing is called SEO Rich Text or Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets provides an overview of the contents of your webpage so the searchers can see what they are getting into. This section on the search result page can contain product ratings, cooking recipe items, images, reviews, or even dates. 

Rich snippets make it easy for the searchers and the search engine to understand the content of your webpage. Therefore, the searchers can easily go to your website and fulfill the search motive.

What is a Snippet in Search Results?

Scrolling through the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), you may see websites with more than just the site title and the URL. The extra content, the summaries, and direct answers are called Snippets. They are like little billboards for your webpage that give the searchers a glimpse of what your webpage is about before they go in. The Featured Snippet also comes above normal search results, driving 8% of all organic clicks to your website.

What are the Snippet Contents?

Normally, snippets contain the webpage's title, a short and direct description, and, in some cases, even a URL. Search engines like Google create these snippets themselves by picking the relevant part of your web page content with crawlings.

Convenience of this Feature

Snippets give the searchers a taste of what’s inside without spoiling the whole thing. It is very helpful for searchers looking for any specific answer from the search engine. It makes the website attractive and brings in organic traffic.

What is a Knowledge Panel in SERP?

Have you ever Googled anyone famous and seen a box pop up on the right side of the SERP? The box contains all sorts of information about the particular thing you searched for. It is like a mini-biography of whatever you searched for, whether a person, company, or place. This right-side box is called the Knowledge Panel.

How Does a Knowledge Panel Work?

Google creates these knowledge panels by using Knowledge Graph. It is a huge digital file cabinet that contains information about almost everything. When you search for something in the search engine, Google goes through its knowledge graph and looks for a match. If it finds a match, it summarizes the relevant found data according to the search to show in the panel.

Convenience of This Feature

Suppose you search for a company on Google for research. The SERP will show a knowledge panel with the name, location, ratings, address, Google Maps location, reviews, and more. It is handy when you need data and get everything summed up in a place. You won’t have to go through 10 websites to collect all the data.

What are Search Intent and Content Relevancy?

When you search for something, the search engine tries to understand what you are looking for and why. This is called Search Intent. And the response of the search engine covers the relevancy. 

The search engine tries to provide you with the most relevant data they have regarding your search keyword. They try to provide a direct answer to your questions from the website listings or anything close to the topic. This is called Content Relevancy.

What is SEO Rich Text?

SEO Rich Text is text content that is optimized for search engines. It contains relevant keywords, meta tags, and other elements that improve the website's ranking in SERP. As a result, your webpage will appear cool and attractive when someone searches for anything relevant to your content. It is highly beneficial to draw in searchers to your website. SEO Rich Text also greatly influences your website's CTR (Click Through Rate).

What is the Difference Between Rich Snippets And Rich Results?

Sometimes, you can get confused between Rich Snippets and Rich Results; they are quite similar. Here, we will talk about the difference between these two. 

Rich Snippets are standard search results with enhanced and additional information about the search topic. It is visible next to the page title, meta description, and URL. On the other hand, Rich Results refers to all kinds of visually improved search results coming from structured data. In simple words, Rich Snippets are a part of Rich Results.

How to Create Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets appear if you have some specific type of content on your webpage. The search engines always try to categorize your website based on the content of it. It can be recipes, job listings, or events eligible for enhanced search experience.

Rich snippets come from the Schema Markup of your webpage. Schema Markup, also known as Structured Data, is a special code you implement in your webpage’s HTML. It helps the search engine to understand your webpage content properly. As a result, the search engine displays your webpage content on the SERP in a rich format.

What are the Types of Schema Markup?

The schema markup you can use depends on the search engine. Among tons of schema markups, Google, for example, supports only 32 types. You don’t have to use all of them on your website; just use the relevant ones for your content.

You have to understand that schema markup on the webpage doesn’t guarantee that your webpage will come in a rich format. Even after having a schema markup, Google can show your website in plain blue format. In the end, it is up to Google to decide whether to show your site in rich format. 

Here are some of the most common schema markups for most websites.

Product Markup

Product markup provides Google with detailed and clearer information about your products on the webpage. Thus, customers can see your product details directly on the SERP, and your site stands out. The SERP will show details, including your product image, size, rating, price, shipping info, availability, and return information. Product Markup is the best schema markup for e-commerce websites.

Review Markup

The review markup adds a star rating under the SERP entry of your webpage. It shows searchers what others think about the product and gives an idea of its quality. This is very helpful while purchasing any product online. Review Markup is the perfect schema for websites that feature content about books, movies, or other products.

Article Markup

Article Markup provides Google with detailed information about the article and its content. Adding an article markup will show the article title, featured image, publish date, and author's name on the SERP page. Article Markup is specially used for web pages containing news articles, sports articles, or blog posts.

Course Markup

Course Markup gives Google detailed information about the educational courses the webpage provides. It may belong to an institute or organization. The SERP will show the course name, a small description, the name of the instructor, the name of the institution, the rating, the price of the course, and much more. It summarizes the webpage's whole course and helps the searcher choose before they enter your site. Course Markup is the best schema markup for websites that offer courses on various topics.

Organization Markup

Organization markup gives Google detailed information about an organization, including the name, logo, a short description, and more. If you use this markup, the search engine will show The company name, logo, address, office hours, phone number, reviews, ratings, Q&A about the organization, and more data on the SERP. As the name suggests, Organization Markup is highly useful for businesses, institutions, or any group wanting to clear business related data to the searchers.

Local Business Markup

Local Business Markup provides Google with the details of a local business. This markup shows details in the SERP, including name, address, operation hours, Google Maps locations and directions, services, and other things. Google will create a local business knowledge panel using this data. When a customer searches for your business, google will show all these details on the knowledge panel. Local Business Markup is crucial for organizations with local people as their target customers.

How to Implement Schema Markup in a Webpage?

There are three techniques to implement a Schema Markup in your webpage. All of these are coding methods where your schema markup is formatted. That means these are machine-readable.

Let’s have a brief look at the methods. 


JSON-LD is a JavaScript based method to use Schema Markup. This method is esy to use for the developers. This method organizes the data in a name-value pair, and commas separate the pairs.

For example, here is an implementation of Article Schema using JSON-LD.

<script type="application/ld+json">


"@context": "",

"@type": "Article",

"headline": "Article Schema",

"author": {

"@type": "Person",

"name": "Bruce Wayne"


"datePublished": "2024-07-03",

"image": "image.jpg"



If you use this, Google will know the following information from it.

  • This is an Article
  • The title is “Article Schema”
  • The author is Bryce Wayne
  • The publish date is July 3rd, 2024
  • There is a featured image

For convenience, most sites use this method to implement schema markup, as it is Google’s preferred method.


This method uses HTML tags and attributes to communicate with the search engine. This is an easy method if you know HTML. But using this method, the code will be too long compared to JSON-LD. That’s why this method is not used very often.

Here is an example of implementing an Article Schema using the Microdata method.



<title>My First Article</title>



<div itemscope itemtype="">

<h1 itemprop="headline">Article Schema</h1>

<img itemprop="image" src="image.jpg" alt="featured image">

<p>Written by: <span itemprop="author">Bruce Wayne</span></p>

<p>Published on: <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="2024-07-03">July 3rd, 2024</time></p>




In this code, <div> marks the Article Schema’s scope. The attribute “itemprop” labels the title, featured image, author’s name, and publication date.


RDFa is similar to the Microdata method and uses HTML attributes to implement schema. Let’s look at an example.



<title>My First Article</title>



<div vocab="" typeof="Article">

<h1 property="headline">Article Schema</h1>

<img property="image" src="image.jpg" alt="featured image">

<p>Written by: <span property="author" typeof="Person">Bruce Wayne</span></p>

<p>Published on: <time property="datePublished" datetime="2023-07-03">July 3rd, 2024</time></p>




<div> marks the Article Schema’s scope in this code, and the “property” attribute labels the title, image, author’s name, and publication date.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing SEO Rich Text

Implementing SEO Rich Text on your website is simple. The best thing is that you don’t need coding knowledge to generate these codes. You can use tools to make the codes and help with schema marking. You just need to copy and paste the code into your website’s HTML. Here is a step-by-step guide to the process.

First of all, go to Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper Tool and follow the instructions below.

1. Select a Data Type of Your Webpage

Choose one of the common data types that is shown in the list. For example, we will work with “Articles.”

2. Paste Your URL

Paste your target webpage’s URL in the box and click Start Tagging. You also can paste HTML right next to the URL option.

It will start to load your webpage in the tool. You can see your webpage on the left, and the records box will come on the right.  Now, it is time to start the markup process.

3. Start Marking Up Your Page

You have to highlight the parts of your webpage and select options from the tag box to mark it. As this is an Article page, highlight the title and select “Name” from the tag box. 

The tool will take the article name and show it on the record box on the right.

Next, highlight the author’s name and select “Author” from the tag box. The tool will show the author's name on the record box.

Follow this pattern and mark up as many records as you can.

4. Generate HTML

After marking up your article, click on the “CREATE HTML” button on the top right corner of the tool. 

The tool will generate the code to copy and paste it on your webpage HTML. The code will come in JSON-LD format by default. Just click on the dropdown and select another format if you need to.

5. Add the Markup to Your Page

Now that you have the code in the format you need, copy it and paste it into your webpage’s HTML code. Make sure to paste it in the <head> section.

The implementation is complete, and it is time to test whether everything works properly.

6. Test Your Schema Markup

You can use Google's recommended Rich Results Test tool to test if you did everything right.

Go to the tool, paste your webpage URL or the Rich Text code, and hit enter. If there are any issues, the errors, warnings, and detected schema marking will appear on the right side of the screen.

If you need to fix anything in the code, directly edit it on the left side and click “RUN TEST.” Follow this process until everything world fine.

Examples of SEO Rich Text on SERP

Suppose you want to buy a T-shirt. You will find many results searching for “Tshirt” in Google. Among them, one website stands out and looks really unique. It has the t-shirt’s rating, number of reviews, price, and availability status on the SERP.

SEO Rich Text

Again, suppose you need to buy chairs for your office. If you Google “Office Chair,” you will find many results. Among all these results, this website has SEO Rich Text on the SERP and looks really cool.

SEO Rich Text

Here is another example of searching for “Frying Pan” on Google.

Key Benefits of SEO Rich Text

SEO Rich Text or Rich Snippets are essential for today's competitive ranking world of search engines. Here are some major benefits of SEO Rich Text.

  • It will improve the CTR (Click Through Rate) of your website.
  • It will boost user engagement on your website.
  • It is not directly related to your search engine ranking but will be a game changer in enhanced visibility and organic traffic.
  • At the end of the day, all that matters is to turn the visitors into customers. SEO Rich Texts will bring you happy and satisfied customers, increasing your conversion rate.

Final Thoughts

In this era, optimizing your website for better ranking and higher visibility is the key to the ultimate online presence. Business strategies are also evolving as the world and its resources are coming closer to our hands through the Internet. Now, you must boost your ranking in your relevant topic in the rearch engine. To achieve that, doing SEO on your website is a must. 

SEO Rich Text, Rich Snippets, Knowledge Panels, Featured Snippets, and many more are core topics you have to work on to make your website stand out. The first result in the SERP generates about 27% CRT. People like unique presentations, attracting them to your business will lead you to profit and success.


How to block snippets from showing?

You can block snippets from your webpage or a specific part using the “nonsnippet” or “data-nonsnippet” attribute.

Which search engines support structured data?

Schema is a collaboration between Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex. All of these search engines support structured data to optimize their search result.

What are the benefits of Rich Snippets?

The main benefit of rich snippets is that they make your website unique on SERP and help attract organic traffic.

Why should I use RTF (Rich Text Format)?

The main benefit of RTF is that it allows one to open and edit a text file, maintaining its formatting features across different software and manufacturers.  So you won’t have to format your text whenever you open it on a different PC.

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