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How to Find Low Competitive Keywords With High Traffic in 2024

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: April 8, 2020

So, you are struggling with a query of how to find low competition keywords? Well, here's the most actionable guide to find the low competition keywords with high traffic.

If you are an SEO learner, or a business owner, trying to understand how things work, or you are an agency that provides SEO services but struggling with ranking client’s products or services on the first page of search engines.

Stick with us, and we are going to share some effective steps to reveal hundreds of low competition keywords of your niche untapped for a while.

Most of the marketers are telling this for a long time now that, find low competition keywords, work on them, and get targeted traffic to your business.

However, the way they are sharing is being quite old now, and most of the people have used those methods so far.

There comes VISER X’s experts for revealing some secrets which we are using to grow our client’s businesses.

Let us tell you the truth that our experts are opening several methods regularly and bringing new customers to our business as well as our client’s businesses also.

In this post, we are going to show you the exact step by step guide to find low competitive keywords that have a potential and massive rank-ability on the SERP.

Without wasting your precious time, let’s start the wheel.

What are Low Competition Keywords?

Low competitive keywords are those keywords, in digital marketing we say, the keyword has a less amount of targeted search, has more words than usual, and a minimal amount of people or no one has worked on those specific keywords.

How to Find Low Competition Keywords With High Traffic?

However, a specific keyword has low competition, and you start working on it may not lead you to a considerable profit for your business.

You need to keep in mind that you can use different criteria for choosing the right keyword for your business or blog.

How Do We Do It?

If a keyword Low Competition with a decent amount of traffic only then you can use it.

You need to check real-time search results and analyze those manually to make sure that the keyword is proper for your blog after you do the to check the average domain authority and links pointing at that specific page.

In this section of the article, we are going to share four proven methods to get a bunch of low competition keywords, which has a prominent number or search volume.

However, each technique has some common steps, as well as some different steps.

Remember one thing that the first method is the ultimate method for finding low competition keywords accurately.

After following some steps of every method, we will discuss, you must follow the first method.

Method 01: Using Google Search

Google is the best tool for doing keyword research. The algorithm it is using is enough for finding any keyword and you can get idea about the popularity of any keywords.

However, in the below we will show you how you can utilize google search to get low competition keywords list for your business.

Step 01: Getting Keyword Ideas

Search any keyword on google but do not hit enter, you will see some keyword phrases will show as drop-down.

It will look like the image below. Collect all the terms and save it to a notepad file.


Now follow the below steps to check whether they are low competition keywords or not.

Before you do that, you need to install a plugin called keyword surfer (free) or keywords everywhere (paid).

Both of these tools will help you get the search volume. Keep the search volume in mind and choose those with a decent search volume.

There are several tools which will show you the keyword search volume for free. Ubersuggest, Semscoop are there if you want to mention any tools.

Step 02: Checking Ranked Pages' Authority

After choosing the keyword which you like the most, you need to search each keyword on google and check the search engine result page manually.

To make the process a bit easier, you can use free browser extensions like MOZBAR.

It will give you some vital data easily. The bar should look like below image. Install one of the above and start using it.


You can use PA (page authority)DA (domain authority)RD (root domains) to identify that how difficult for you it will be to rank for the keyword.

As well as you will see links are targeting specifically to that page.

However, any keyword tool will help you get information regarding your keyword.

You have to decide whether it is suitable for you or not.

Step 03: Keyword Seasonality Checking

You may heard of google trends, which is a huge tool for checking the popularity of any keyword, products, search terms with a graphical representation.

With this tool, you can see the trend of any keyword from up to 2004.

However, here is the google trends result for the keyword we are talking about here,


Step 04: Checking Exactly How Many Pages Targeted That Particular Keyword

Yet, you must search using below advanced google search string on google to check the results solely for the keyword we are trying to analyze.

  • Type your keyword within quotation mark:“your keyword”
  • Type allintitle:your keyword
  • Type allinurl:your keyword


If you put a closer look and analyze the above image, then you may have an in-depth idea about how things are working how the long tail keyword works.

Do not worry, and we will discuss the long-tail keyword, later on, keep on reading.

Now in the above image, you will see that we have narrow down our search result by using different techniques.

However, those techniques help us finding the condition of our competition of that keyword.

We need to know how many websites actually targeting keywords.

As well as how many of them are working properly.

Step 05: Analyzing Competitor’s Content

You need to go through the first ten results out of them all and analyze their condition.

Now, check the domains which are ranking on the first page and verify the individual pages on the first page to check below things,

  • Word count of the ranked page
  • Is Keyword presents in Title
  • Is Keyword presents in URL
  • Is Keyword presents in different heading tags (h2, h3, h4, etc.)
  • How many times keyword shows in the whole page

However, the keyword we are showing you has a decent amount of monthly search volume, which is 3600 in the USA alone.

Step 06: Finalize the Keyword

Make an excel file to format all the information your collecting about a single keyword.

Include all the criteria we are discussing here and remember one thing, manual keyword research is the best regardless of what other people are saying about using tools.

You can take assistance from them, not completely rely on the software.

We will discuss about SEO tools so that you can understand how to use SEO tools for keyword in the best and proven way.

Now, after doing the above steps, you should get quite some keywords in your list on an excel file.

Analyze all the keywords you got after those manual research and start work on it.

Now you can take assistance from the software and follow method 04 we have shared below.

Method 02: Monitor Social Media Users’ queries

Now, this method is beneficial to get the best ROI grabbing keywords.

You understand that your clients are using social media platforms as you are too.

All the social media has now dedicated search engines within it.

So they are searching there as well as most importantly, they are commenting on different contents.

They are sharing their opinion regarding various products and services.

They are discussing their concerns, queries, and thoughts.

If you closely analysis those activities in different pages, groups of social media, you will get tons of queries and keyword ideas.

Make a list of them and apply the first method.

Method 03: Analyze Niche Relevant Forums

The third method is another useful method where you can find lots of low competitive keywords which you can use to get potential visitors to your websites.

Now there are hundreds of web forums where you will get different kinds of queries.

You can convert those queries to potential keywords by using the first method we have shared above.

People are sharing queries about their needs.

Among them, some people are trying to get the right product, and some of them are trying to get information.

Now you need to keep in mind that every search phrase with a buying intent has the possibility to buy the near future.

Regardless of who is searching, finding a low competition keywords with high traffic, you need to make a list of search phrases and apply the first method onward.

Another Essential Thing to Know About Web Forums

Forums are web platforms where people share their queries, and other members are providing solutions in reply. 

It works like this way, Suppose a potential client needs information on “best coffee maker with grinder” so they create a thread on a platform.

Now there are hundreds of business representatives, and owners are there ready for giving reply to their niche relevant queries.

If your business is about the coffee maker and you have a product which is “coffee maker with grinder”.

If you can publish a detailed blog post about “best coffee maker with grinder” on your business website. And try to rank your blog post for that keyword.

If you have a blog post on that particular keyword then you have two simple steps to complete. Firstly, You need to rank that blog post on search engines and build links pointing to your webpages from relevant other websites.

Secondly, you need to put your product page URL as a call in action button on that post.

If you look closely on the search phrase of the client’s query, then you will see that it has a buying intention.

Now that your post is providing all the information the visitor needs, then there is a positive influence that the visitor will click on the call in action button and reach your product page.

Now, if your product can attract the visitor’s interest, then he/she may purchase your product.

However it’s a tips as a bonus for you, now we are moving towards our last method.

Method 04: Third-Party Tools

It’s the easiest method you can find online to find the low competition keywords.

There are keyword research tools like SEMrush, Moz, Ahrefs, to mention some names of them.

These tools will allow you to get tons of keywords under a parent topic.

The most exciting feature of all the keyword research tools is that you can use quite some significant filter options.

You will get to chance to filter out keywords that have larger keyword difficulty, larger domain authority, larger page authority, larger backlinks.

These tools give you an analysis on your competitor’s webpage for the specific keyword as well as for the whole website.

Search niche or topic of your business is about on the tool and filter out all unwanted keywords, and then you will get a full list of low competition keywords you can easily rank higher in google.

Keep in mind how accurate you get information from the software; you always need to do the manual research.

To do the manual research, follow the first method, and take your business to the top.

What are Long Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are those keywords that have more than three or more words in it.

Like the one we took as an example earlier. “Coffee maker” would have more competition than “coffee maker with grinder.”

Long-tail keywords are containing different variations depends on the product feature or user some time quality as well.

If you want to narrow down the keyword more, then it may look like this, “best coffee maker with grinder.

You may use prepositions or conjunctions to add up and make further narrow-down based on your product or service.

Read More: Different Types of Keywords in SEO

Business Perspective of Low Competition Keywords

Okay, let’s understand the term a bit closely by breaking down the business perspective of it.

If your business is about selling any products or services that serve a specific group of people, then it might be fruitful to target those keywords that include your products or services.

Now, what does this mean really!!!

Let’s imagine that you are selling a structural design software that only civil engineers are using or purchasing.

So your keyword may look like this, Best “Your brand name” Structural design software For Civil Engineers.

So, instead of trying to rank for irrelevant keywords on search engine, try to publish helpful blog posts relevant to your product or services.

Google loves content, you must acknowledge it and you know that product pages aren't containing much text and its relevant.

The product page only shows, product description, prices, and variety of that particular products.

So, it would be great if you find queries that your potential clients are trying to get help 

There are hundreds of variations you probably never think of your clients are searching on different search engines to get the specific product or services precisely what you are selling for so long.

Finishing Words

We are at the end of this discussion about how to get low competition keywords most easily online.

If you are a business owner facing difficulties in ranking your business or struggling blogger to rank keywords, then you should follow all along this step by step process.

Not only a learner or business owner, but marketers are also facing complications regarding keywords that has enormous potential, search volume, and low completion in search engines.

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We have explained every proven aspect and result-driven methods we use at VISER X.

Follow our step by step methods, and you will not get into any complicated situation ever in the future.

Try to replicate our guide on how to find low competition keywords with high traffic and let us know in the comment section about your growth.

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