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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Agency for Startups: Grow Digitally

  • Post By: Anup Kanti Ghosh
  • Published: July 7, 2021

Digital marketing is a vital element of online businesses. It enables companies to grow digitally. Going digital is an effective strategy, especially for new online companies.

But digital marketing strategies can be challenging for a newcomer. It would help if you had special expertise and skills to execute internet marketing opportunities.

It would help if you took the services of a digital marketing agency for startups. Before that, you need to build your knowledge on them.

We will look at a complete outline of digital marketing agencies in this article. You will know their functions, importance, and characteristics after reading the article.

10 Best Digital Marketing Agencies for Startups

A digital marketing agency can help you save a huge amount of time so you can focus on more important responsibilities. Additionally, they will most likely achieve far better outcomes than you ever would on your own! To assist you in getting started, we've prepared a list of the top ten digital marketing agencies for startups:

  1. VISER X: VISER X, a digital marketing and SEO firm assist companies from start to growth. They are one of the few digital marketing agencies with an in-house design team, and they pair team members directly with clients, so you always work with the same expert. VISER X will test, reevaluate, and repeat until they get it right. VISER X is the best digital marketing agency in the industry. They provide 360° digital marketing services worldwide. Get in touch for quality services. They provide result-oriented services to small and big companies.
  2. GrowthRocks: GrowthRocks is a growth-hacking marketing firm that helps both new and established businesses in achieving quick and sustainable growth. Along with offices in many other cities, they also have affiliates and partners in New York, London, South Africa, Romania, and Morocco. The business is well renowned for its work with startups in their early stages, especially for its capacity to increase user acquisition and establish early momentum. 
  3. Ninja Promo: Ninja Promo Since 2017, London-based has been making waves in the field of digital marketing. As a top startup marketing firm, they use innovative methods to implement SMM strategies. Through digital marketing, content creation, paid advertising, influencer marketing, PR, and media relations, their main goal is to forge human connections. Currently, Ninja Promo has over 150 clients, including businesses like 3WM and Bitforex.
  4. Eventys Partners: Eventys Partners Product launch specialists handle everything from product development to post-launch marketing. With a focus on startups, the company has filed more than 750 patents and raised more than $300 million for clients through crowdfunding. They have also participated in the launch of more than 1,300 items for more than 600 clients as if that weren't enough. 
  5. LaunchSquad: Dedicated to companies of all sizes, LaunchSquad is an independent public relations, story development, and creative agency. This is the agency to work with if you need assistance determining the "why" of your brand because they thrive at developing tales. Additionally, they are able to keep up with your fast-paced entrepreneurial lifestyle; the LaunchSquad agents take great satisfaction in being quick and adaptable. And they must be doing something well if they have companies like iHeartRadio and Coursera on their list!
  6. WEBITMD: A complete sales and marketing solution, WEBITMD serves the top 100 firms as well as startups. They offer a planned strategy that merges sales technology with marketing tactics to produce measurable corporate growth. Their Growth Stack program educates business owners on everything from the fundamentals of branding to strategies for sales strategy. WEBITMD doesn't provide pre-made packages; instead, each engagement is customized to meet the unique requirements of a customer.
  7. TheBrains: London-based Awarded-winning digital marketing company TheBrains can accelerate the growth of your startup. They only want to show you some significant ROI; they don't care about meaningless metrics or confusing marketing objectives. How do they achieve this? TheBrains offers a wide range of services, including content strategy, social media advertising, SEO, and PPC. Oh, and they'll also assist your staff in understanding any tricky marketing issues that they're having!
  8. Odysseus Arms: Libby Brockhoff, one of the most significant advertising women of the 20th century, is the head of the San Francisco firm Odysseus Arms. They have a distinctive, edgy style and comprehend the startup's mission. Odysseus Arms is a tech-focused business that takes on lots of projects with the help of independent specialists and creatives. They can "create dynamic solutions that hyper concentrate strategy, creative, and increase media investment by about 7X" thanks to their patented Third3ye approach, which they have licensed as their own.
  9. Digital Uncut: For growing startups, Digital Uncut offers the best digital marketing possible. A busy entrepreneur will find them to be the ideal fit because of their data-driven campaign strategy and quick response times. You and your team will always be informed thanks to industry-leading marketing reports, and you can ask them any questions you have by sending a message on Slack.
  10. Covert: Sydney-based Covert is a performance-focused digital marketing firm. The team works closely with startup entrepreneurs at every stage, from ideation to implementation. They specialize in using their creative know-how to support brand development and business expansion. Most significantly, Covert uses quantitative data to close the gap between your firm and your ideal customer.

What Is Digital Marketing?

It would be best if you had big goals with your startup because we live in an era of digitalization. The internet connects everything and everyone at our fingertips. So, it is imperative to focus on digital marketing.

But what is digital marketing? Digital marketing has many other names. People call it online marketing, web marketing, or internet marketing. It is a way to promote your business, products, and services.

In the past, traditional media were popular for advertising. We still see promotional campaigns on TV, Radio, Billboards, or printed papers. But digital marketing means advertising on the internet.

You can use social media platforms, websites, Google, and other tools for promotions. Whatever advertising you do online falls under digital marketing. It is the best way to reach most customers. Also, it is super cost-effective.

5 Different Types of Digital Marketing Agencies

Digital marketing agencies specialize in digital marketing, and they offer complete digital services for your business. A digital marketing agency uses online tools for online advertising. You can find 5 types of digital marketing agencies. They are unique in their own nature of the marketing services they offer.

Advertising Agencies

Advertising agencies are the most creative. They work to create online advertisements. Then, they publish them across different digital platforms. They are skilful in developing innovative campaigns and designing them for the web. You can reach a huge pool of customers through online advertising.

Branding Agencies

Brand awareness is essential for your business. Customers must be aware of your brand all the time, and they always need to see your logo, name, and identity. That is where branding agencies come in. They create strategies to keep your brand alive on social media platforms. They also connect their works with advertising agencies.

Digital Marketing Firms

Digital marketers from digital marketing firms are a one-stop solution to digital marketing services. They work in collaboration with other agencies. They work to optimize the website, SEO, and other tools.

Graphics and Design Agencies

These agencies specialize in visualization. This means that they work to give shape to your ideas. They design the company logo and product outlooks. They also design advertising ideas and work with colours, texts, animations, shapes, and photographs.

Marketing Research Agencies

The works of marketing research agencies are new. They collect data and analyze digital performances. They are also responsible for finding online trends. Thus, their works are significant for startups.


Key Functions of Digital Marketing Agencies

It is best to know the functions of digital marketing agencies before hiring them. New businesses need to understand what they are getting into. A digital marketing agency in Bangladesh offers the following services:

Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms involve Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You must have your presence on these platforms as a startup, and digital agencies offer social media services. They will create branding campaigns for you on different social media platforms.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is crucial for your website. This includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC). New businesses should be able to optimize these features.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a new concept, and startups can attract more customers through content marketing. This involves creating trendy blogs, videos, and visual posts. Online agencies that can help you to produce engaging content.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a great personalized marketing concept. It requires creating massive customer data, and this is a tough job for any new business. Digital marketing agencies can also do this for you.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing means using influential power to spread the company name. You can go viral on the internet with this. A digital agency can create affiliate strategies for startups.

Website Optimization

A digital marketing agency also works to optimize your website. They will work to make use of the Search Engine tools. This can generate traffic to your online pages. Thus, you can earn more sales revenue over time.

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

Hiring a digital marketing agency can seem totally beneficial. Well, it is. But there are a few disadvantages as well.

Advantages of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing today is essential. This makes hiring professionals to do your job an important thing too. Here are 3 advantages of hiring agency services:

Professional Expertise

Digital marketing is not a piece of cake, and you need knowledge and expertise for the strategies. A digital marketing agency brings all these to the table.

A New Perspective On the Market

Digital marketing strategies need you to be trendy. You must know what happens on the internet. An agency can help you to research market trends and act accordingly.

Tool Optimization

You can use many tools to execute online marketing strategies. But you need to know how to use them. Digital marketing agencies have professionals who master those tools. They also know which one to use for the best results.

Disadvantages of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

There are some cons of taking their services. These issues can hamper business growth. Here are 3 of the disadvantages.

Their Services Are not Free

Some digital marketing services can be expensive. You need to know their rates before hiring them. You may not have enough budget to accept their services sometimes.

Lack of Industry Knowledge

The business world is expanding every day. People are coming up with new ideas. As a result, agencies may not have enough knowledge about the industry you operate in. They may end up suggesting a generic strategy. This can hamper your marketing plans.

They Will Have Other Priorities

Some agencies work with big clients. Those clients will always be their main priority. So, their services may disappoint you with divided importance.

5 Benefits of Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency for Startups

Your startup is possibly a small business in the industry. You want to grow quickly, and you need digital marketing for that. Strategizing digital campaigns is not an easy task. Here are 5 reasons why you should hire a digital marketing agency for your startup.

Identifying and Engaging with Potential Customers

You need to identify your online audience fast. After that, it is essential to create ideas targeting them. A digital marketing agency can guide you through that. You can identify potential customers quickly. And create engaging campaigns with their interests.

Reaching the Right Customers at the Right Place

Traditional advertising strategies are still a good thing. But your target customer may not view a TVC or read a magazine post. It would be best if you reached them at the right place, and VISER X can help you to identify this as well. You will be able to reach Facebook customers on social media platforms. You can create advertisings for website visitors as well.

Easier Tracking and Monitoring of Performance

It is tough to analyze the performance of traditional marketing. You will go through many problems to understand TVC or print media performances. Digital marketing is easier to track, and many tools can automatically generate data. You can analyze them to figure out online performance. You can understand what did well and what needs changing. A digital marketing agency can work to track and check the advertisements for you.

Measuring Results and Evolving Strategies

You can use Google Analytics to measure the outcomes. Digital marketing allows you to use tools to analyze the results. Thus, you can make changes to your future strategies. But using the tools needs expertise and skillsets.

You will not have the time to do it yourself, and you can hire a digital marketing agency for this. The agencies will work as your consultant. They will create plans and execute them. After that, they will work to measure results. If better plans are necessary, they will make them as well.

Levelling the Playing Field

Agencies bring a lot of professional and industrial knowledge to your plate. You can do all your research before entering a market, but the professionals will always have more first-hand knowledge. The competitions are high. The established businesses are the master brands of the market. How do you compete with them? You need digital marketing agencies for some works. They will polish your promotional activities and will suggest strategies for the real world. Thus, you will feel that you are beginning on a level field to grow with your business.

5 Characteristics to Look for Before Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

You now know that internet marketing agencies are important for startups. But how do you choose the best one in the market? Look for the following 5 characteristics.

Check Portfolio and Client List

A successful agency will promote its work with other companies. So, you can easily find previous works they did for other clients. You may not even need the complete client list. All you have to do is analyze their portfolio. This will enable you to judge the kind of works they do.

Experience of Team Members

A highly experienced group of people is ideal for new strategies. You need a team that knows the ins and outs of the market. This is important because you are hiring them for their experience. Check the LinkedIn profile of the team members. Connect with them on LinkedIn. This is a great way to know how they think and work.

Reviews and Industry Reputation

Not all agencies will be popular in the market. Also, not all famous marketing specialists are great. It would be best if you did some research before hiring an agency. You can do this by looking at the industry reputation of the agencies. An agency with a good portfolio should already have a good reputation. Moreover, you can check with partners and competition to get reviews on the agencies.

Relevant and Practical

You should not hire an agency that makes unachievable promises. The agency should be practical. A good agency knows the market demand. Thus, you should hire an agency that ensures possible outcomes. A good agency is also relevant to your cause. This means that the agency should understand your goals. And their claims are not impossible or irrelevant. The agency you hire should be transparent about its approach.

Easy to Communicate

You should be able to communicate easily and directly to the agency you hire. The best agencies make it easy for clients to contact them. You can be clear about your goals. The agency will make an effort to understand the company mission and vision. Besides, this includes having a well-functioning website. A good agency should have all the necessary information on the website. You should be able to find their contact details there as well. Thus, there should be no miscommunication and information lack between them and clients.



5 Things to Maintain to Work with a Digital Marketing Agency as a Startup

You need your team to be ready before working with a digital marketing agency. It is not always the duty of the agency to take you through the process. You must ensure a few things beforehand. This will enable you to engage in a quality working situation with the agency. Good collaboration needs effort from both parties. So, here are 5 things you should maintain.

Conduct Research Works

You need to do your research before beginning the work together. This will help you to be clear about what the company needs. Also, you and your team will be on the same page about everything. Complete collaboration can solve any possible problem.

Prepare a Timeline and Trust the Process

Everyone on the team should know the timeline they are working on. This is important for understanding the outcome. The process will go through some key steps, and the timeline should follow the procedure correctly. Moreover, everyone needs to have patience in each step.

Do Not Try to Do Anything Alone

The best result depends on a collective approach. Hiring a digital marketing agency means you are collaborating with the team. You are not alone on the journey. Thus, you should place your trust in them. Everyone should be working together to reach the outcome. A singular approach can bring down the earth on everyone. Follow a chain of command and ensure transparency.

You Are Not in Control

It is okay not to control everything. Understandably, the business is yours. It is also understandable that you are the entrepreneur there. You would ideally have the best interest of the startup. But you hired the agency for their expertise in the field. If there is no lack of communication, let them handle the works of online marketing.

Leave no Curiosity Unattended

As a newcomer, you will experience many new things. You will not know everything about the process. You will have many questions, and all these are completely fine. But it would be best if you asked questions to get answers to your curiosities. Clear the confusion to always be in the light.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the way to promote your business online. It is the collection of strategies to use online tools for advertisements.

  • What is a digital marketing agency?

A digital marketing agency is a firm that specializes in digital marketing services. They offer clients online marketing strategies. They also offer research and analysis services for your online promotional campaigns.

  • Why should I hire a digital marketing agency for my startup?

A digital marketing agency is a suitable approach for both new and old companies. As a startup, you should consider hiring them. A good digital marketing agency will develop better internet marketing strategies.

  • Is digital marketing an easy option?

Digital marketing can be easy when you have an advanced idea about the ways. It is even easier when you hire a digital marketing agency. They can create better strategies with better results.

  • Can a digital marketing agency be bad for my company?

Hiring a digital marketing agency is almost always a beneficial thing. But it can be bad in some cases. You and the agency may fail to operate on the same level. Also, there could be a controlling tendency over startups.

  • Is it tough to work with a digital marketing agency as a startup?

Working with digital marketing agencies should be a great experience. You will learn many new things. But it can be challenging when you do not conduct your research. It would help if you asked questions to be in the light with them. Also, communication is critical.


Marketing strategies and digital marketing agencies always go together. Even if you have an expert marketer in your team, you need a digital marketing agency. These agencies are more important for new businesses.

Hiring a digital marketing agency for startups is also quite tricky. You need to make sure so many things beforehand! It would help if you did your research properly. It would be best if you judged possible candidates. And finally, you need to work collaboratively with another different firm.

Even so, the outcome would be very fruitful. New online companies do need outside professional help. Digital marketing agencies can be a great support and consultant for quick growth. Thus, you should include a digital marketing agency in your plans and budget.

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