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On Which Social Network Should You Share Content Most Frequently?

  • Post By: Anup Kanti Ghosh
  • Published: November 28, 2020

On Which Social Network Should You Share Content Most Frequently?

Well, social media plays vital role in reaching new customers.Publishing content on social media has opened up a huge opportunity for marketing. You can attract potential customers through your content. There are various types of content, like text content, images, video content, etc.You can utilize social networking sites to your advantage. Every business and organization is advertising their products or services through content on social networking sites.

This article will give you the answers on which social network should you share content most frequently and how each social media works for content publishing.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing uses social media platforms for marketing. It helps in increasing sales, promoting brands, driving traffic, etc. Social media marketing involves posting good content, engaging with clients, analyzing results, and advertising.There are many social media platforms. Some of the popular ones are Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Snapchat.

Importance of Social Media Marketing Nowadays

Marketing in social media has become more important than ever. As the number of social media increases, it is high time businesses invest in social media marketing.The number of users of social media in 2020 has reached over 3.6 billion. It will become at least 4.41 billion by 2025, according to research.

As a business owner, no one would like to skip these billions of people while advertising their products or service. Moreover, social networks have become the prime spot for marketing products as this has the highest reach among all.Where else can you imagine that has billions of people? You cannot reach billions of people through any physical store or event or anything.

Only the internet is a place where you reach this many people without too much effort. Every business and organization is taking advantage of this fact, and so should you if you haven’t already.

On Which Social Network Should You Share Content Most Frequently?

The answer is simple, where you can market to most people. Naturally, the most popular ones are the best ones to advertise. However, that does not mean you cannot market on the less popular sites.It depends on your business or organization, which social site will be the best for posting content. Facebook is one of the best social sites for publishing content as it has the most users. You can publish any type of content there.

Depending on your target audience, you should choose sites. Professional services, organizations related content can be published on LinkedIn.

Visually appealing contents are best for YouTube. Content for creating social awareness can be published on Twitter.

Best Social Media Networks to Share Content On

Most popular social networking sites are the best to drive traffic. As many people have access to these social sites, you are more likely to get more clicks from these sites.

1. Facebook

In 2019, 1.62 billion daily active users on Facebook. This large number can serve as a humungous opportunity for your business to grow.  It has become a market place for many people.

The more accessible and user-friendly you make your business, the more traffic you are going to get. The following are some features of Facebook that you can use to your advantage.

Facebook Dynamic Ads

In 2015, Facebook came up with the Dynamic Ads feature. It is an incredible invention of digital marketing. Here Facebook suggests ads depending on the users' interest, previous actions, demographics, etc.

You can use Facebook Dynamic ads for your business or service. Those who have an interest in things related to your business might find you through Facebook dynamic ads.

Facebook Ads on Carousel Format

This is a newer addition to Facebook ads. Here you can add two or more images/videos, headlines, and call for action. Here multiple products are featured. This format is more intriguing to the users. These ads get ten times more clicks than traditional ads.

Messenger as Customer Support

You can use messenger as your customer support on your e-commerce site. Messenger has more than 1 billion users, and it will be helpful for your potential client to get information through messenger.

When a visitor wants to contact you from your website and create a new account or provide some information, they can get bothered and leave your site.

However, if they can contact through messenger, it becomes a lot easier. Most of the clients are always logged in on messenger and can send a message without any problem.

2. Instagram

Instagram is one of the best platforms for businesses if it involves visually appealing things. There are over 500 million Instagram daily users, and the number is still increasing.

Create a Business Profile

It is vital to switch to a business profile to get the advantages of the business tools of Instagram. With a business profile, you can reach more people, and Instagram will also suggest your account to potential customers.

You should use relevant information in the bio like, what type of business, and where it is located.

You should maintain a consistent image of your brand. You need to optimize your posts using tags, captions, and hashtags.

Instagram Stories

Instagram stories is another opportunity for you to advertise your products or service. Optimizing your Instagram story ad is the key to attract traffic.

As you get very little time in the story, you have to make sure your ad impacts the first glance. You can post ads on IGTV as well.

Sponsored Ads

Sponsored ads reach your expected audience as you set it. Many people interested in similar things you are selling might get interested in your business through sponsored ads. The sponsored ads can be a photo or video or a carousel of multiple images.

Explore Page Ads

We see many ads on the explore page too. As the name suggests, here people come to explore new things. Here you can find many potential customers as people are looking for new things here. They are more likely to be interested in trying a new product or service.

3. Twitter

Twitter is the social platform with the second-highest number of users. It is a microblogging social site. You can advertise in two ways on Twitter.

Promoting tweets is a way of a paid advertisement on Twitter. Promoted tweets are like sponsored ads; they reach a lot more people than usual and get more retweets.

Twitter makes the promoted tweets stand out more among other tweets. They appear in trend searches too.

For tweeter ads, multiple tweets will be shared to accomplish the goal of the brand.

4. YouTube

If you have video content for your business or service, you must invest some time in Youtube content. In two ways, you can utilize youtube, by creating video content and by placing ads.

Creating Videos

Through videos, you can present your ideas and stories in a pleasing and entertaining way. People get more engaged in visually attractive things. Many people find new businesses through YouTube videos.

If your business involves something that might intrigue the audience through videos, you should make videos and optimize them with good titles and captions.

YouTube Ads

YouTube allows advertising on its platform, and your business can skyrocket through YouTube ads.

Depending on what type of ad you want to place, who are your target audiences, the cost can vary. There are several types of ads you will find on the platform. Such as,

  • Skippable Ads
  • Non-skippable Ads
  • In-display Ads
  • Non-video Ads

YouTube ads allow your business to reach your target audience. As YouTube has many users, there is a higher chance of your brand getting recognition a lot quicker than some other social networks.

5. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the best social network site to advertise or post content if your business provides a service. As it a more professional-oriented platform, companies or services regarding professionals get more traffic here.

You can post content that is fully optimized to get the most traffic. You can post sponsored posts to reach out to people who will be interested in your service.

You can also use paid ads like display ads or dynamic ads. Display ads will be shown to your target audiences. Dynamic ads will reach the people who have an interest in the services that you provide.

How to Use Social Media to Drive Massive Traffic

More than 3 billion people use social media, which creates a huge opportunity to market products or services. However, nothing comes out of the blue.

You need to plan and execute the plan properly to get your expected response through social media. To ensure success through social media, you must follow some methods, which are discussed below.

Strategy and Planning

Before you start publishing anything, first take some time to plan. Firstly figure out, what your goal is and what you want to achieve; you need to plan accordingly.

You can do social media marketing for brand awareness, driving traffic, and just building a community. It would be best to decide why you want to use social media marketing before going to the next step.

You need to choose a social media platform where you want to market. According to your product or service, you need to select one or more platforms. For visually pleasing products, you can choose Instagram, Pinterest, etc.

For services, you can choose LinkedIn, Youtube, etc. It is better to select a few platforms where you think you might get the most potential customers for your service or product.

You need to decide on the type of content you should post. You do not need to stick to one type, but still, you should choose what to post.

For your products, what suits the best? Videos, photos, or text content. What will your customers be interested in? You need to make your posts entertaining and engaging.

Social Media Posting Schedule

Posting on social media is essential, especially for small businesses.  The more active you are on socials, the higher chance for you to get discovered by users.

However, posting random stuff will not let you achieve your goal. You need to post strategically for the highest response.

It would be best if you had to set up a schedule for online posting. There are some things you need to consider while making a posting schedule.

  • How frequently you should post something on different platforms. For various social media, the posting schedule can be different. Also, how often is sharing allowed on different platforms?
  • At which time you should post, when will you get the highest response and more people will view your content.
  • How relevant is your content, and for how long is it sharable? Content will not be sharable for a long time if it is not appropriate for a long time.
  • Depending on the social media platform, you should decide how long you should refrain from posting. Posting too much might seem like spam.
  • Try to change a bit in the posting schedule. Posting at the same time and the same type of things every day might seem monotonous.

Engagement with Users

As you start posting on your social media accounts, you will begin to get a response. You need to engage with your clients and provide the necessary information.

As your business grows, people will start posting about your brand, products, customer service, etc. You need to keep up to date with the clients' requirements for the betterment of your business.

You have to check if you are getting a positive response or negative response and take the next step accordingly. Your clients might discuss your brand somewhere else without tagging you; you need to consider those posts as well.

Analyzing The Results

When you post on your social accounts and start getting a response, you need to start analyzing the data. You can get some basic statistics from your accounts setting. For further information, you can get some tools online. Through these, you can see the changes in your business.

You can get monthly reports and observe how much your business is growing. When you change something on your social account, closely observe the change in statistics.

If it gets better or worse, from there, you can decide whether the taken step was the right decision or not.

Advertising and Boosting

When your business becomes a little stable and has enough funds, you can consider advertising or boosting your posts.

Through advertising, you can reach your desired audience a lot faster. It allows you to reach a plethora of people, not only those who follow your account.

Social media advertisement has become really powerful. You can choose your target audience, depending on your demographics, buying behavior, interests, etc. For the best outcome, you should optimize your advertisement too.

The Don’ts of Social Media Content Posting

  • Do not post something that might annoy your clients or something that they might not like. If you see content and don’t like it, the probability is your clients will not like it either. Refrain from posting useless content just for the sake of posting.
  • Do not become a spammer by posting something too frequently. For example, posting something every hour will result in the opposite of your expectation. Your clients will get annoyed and might leave your account or report it.
  • Do not post unnecessary things to keep your account active. You should post valuable content. Do not use annoying headlines or images.

To Sum Up

There is no denying that social networking site plays a vital role in today's economy and marketing.

A huge part of marketing these days involves social network marketing and content creation. The sooner you acknowledge the importance of content creation, the sooner you will start getting traffic.

Not that you know on which social network should you share content most frequently, you should start planning on improving your social network content creation and building your business.


1. What is the biggest challenge that most social media practitioners have?

The biggest challenge for most social media practitioners is getting creative and innovative ideas for content.

2. How often should you post on social media?

You can post once a day at most. Posting too much can cause you to lose visitors. The ideal is posting three times in a week.

3. Which network has the longest life for a piece of content?

Pinterest has the most extended life for a piece of content.

4. Why do you need a social media marketing expert for your business?

A social media marketing expert will understand how frequently you should post content, what type of content you should post, the statistics of the outcome of different contents, etc.

You do not have to worry about social media marketing as a professional will take care of everything for the best results.

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