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Impacts of Semantic Search on SEO and SEO-friendly URLs?

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: January 27, 2021

Google search engine tries to understand the natural language and provide results accordingly. This is what semantic search is all about. Semantic is the ability of a search engine to understand the intend of the searcher and provide search results depending on that.

Search engines these days do not simply match keywords. It tries to find what the searcher is actually looking for. It tries to find the intention of the searcher. Search engines process the search keywords in such a way that it is having a conversation with the searcher.

To make things clear, let us share an example. Suppose you are searching "movie where you get into dreams." The search result will show you the movie "Inception." You didn't know the name of the movie. Did the Google search engine watch the movie? Of course not. Well, Google does it with semantic search.

Google search engine tries to understand the natural language and provide results accordingly. This is what semantic search is all about. Semantic is the ability of a search engine to understand the intend of the searcher and provide search results depending on that

Search engines try to find the context

It does not simply match keywords anymore. If it did, then half of the questions asked in Google will not provide any proper answer. But surprisingly, Google accurately provides the correct answer most of the time.

Optimizing a website with a clear context helps google find answers quickly

It becomes easy for Google to understand the context of a well-optimized website. It increases your chance of ranking on Google search. Your optimized niche websites can provide enough relevant keywords and fulfill criteria to get selected for semantic search.

Though Google's algorithm has advanced tremendously, it is still a machine that does not understand human language. SEO is important to make the search engine understand the context as effortlessly as possible. Implementing long-tail keywords in your content increases your website's understandability.

A relevant URL improves authenticity

Not only to google search engine but to visitors too. The URL slightly affects the ranking factor. Relevancy is the most important thing to rank in google. If your niche website is about gadgets, but your URL is "" – it will definitely confuse both Google search engine and even human users. Google will not be able to find relevancy hence, semanticity.

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