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Proven Strategies on How to Get Guest Posts for Your Blog and Boost Traffic

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: September 26, 2020

Are looking for the proven way to get tons of guest posts from expert and creative guest blogger? In a simple way to say do you want to know how to get guest post for blog? 

Then you are precisely in the right place where you should get a prominent answer to your queries.

We are going to discuss the whole process here step by step.

Do you own or maintain a blog or website that is having organic visitors from different sources? If they are sharing your content on various social media platforms and people are talking about your blog there, then you should now concentrate on your content.

Search engines appreciate new and unique webpages, to keep up with the Google ranking, you need to publish fresh content often.

But hey, you know that writing new content often is a very tough job for an individual. There comes the role of a guest blogger.

Guest bloggers are often writing for your blog; in return, sometimes you may give them a links to their social media profile or their portfolio.

Now here in this post, we are going to break down each term needed to get a guest post for blog.

A woman happily working on her laptop.

What You Will Learn From This Post

  1. What is Guest Post?
  2. How to Get Guest Post for Your Blog?
  3. Guest posting Guideline
  4. Why is Guest Post Important for Continuous Growth?
  5. What should you do, and what should you not do?

Now, for your assistance, we are going to explain everything you need to understand the way of getting tons of guest posting request for blog.

Without any further doing, let’s start,

What is Guest Post?

After a starting conversation, they send you content to publish and use their name and their profile or their blog’s link.

A guest post is a type of content that a guest writer writes and publish it on another blog. It works like this way; you offer guest bloggers to write on your blog, and then, when they see that your blog has a prominent quality, they contact you.

Now above mentioned whole process is known as the guest blogging, and the post is publishing on your blog, which you get from guest blogger is known as the guest post.

Who are Guest Blogger?

Guest bloggers are usually writers, entrepreneur, website owner, and business owner who wants to increase the popularity of their website or their career by writing for someone else. In most of the cases, writers and entrepreneurs are doing guest blogging for improving their appearance on popular platforms and share their creative ideas to attract potential customers.

Writers also do this for letting the potential clients to see their portfolio and credibility on different other places. Business owners, website owners, entrepreneurs do this for backlinks from quality websites.

A guest blogger typing on a laptop

How to Get Guest Posts for Your Blog: Step By Step Process

However, Guest blogging is one of the most effective ways to get quality backlinks for your website. But how to get guest posts for blog from thousands of guest bloggers, how to reach them?

Yes, at first, you must let them know that you are allowing guest posts on your blog. However, even before letting them know, you must take your site to a stable condition. So that the Build a community that interacts with your articles.

Make conversation on the comment section with every interactor. Reply to each comment if possible, answer all the relevant questions or refer them to an original content.

All those you should do to make your blog is appealing to the guest blogger because a guest blogger likes only a prominent blog which has a decently active audience. All they want is some popularity and potential traffic to their portfolios and, in some cases, quality backlinks.

Here’s how you can get tons of quality guest posts by following the below strategies.

If you have a decent amount of visitors and an active community, and you want to offer guest bloggers for guest posting. Now, we all understand that writing blog posts for your own blog is difficult for every blog owner.

To build a popular blog, you must not only publish a new blog after a regular frequency but also share it on different social media and interact with commenters. However, the job is not an easy job to do; that is why you need to make an automation process by allowing guest bloggers.

Create a Landing Page for Guest Posting Guidelines

You must develop a dedicated landing page containing appealing content for the guest poster. You need to create it in a way that can give a guest blogger all guidelines they may ask. Include below options on the guest posting guideline Form.

  • Register as a Contributor or Guest Blogger
  • Keep options to add and customize their profile
  • Try to allow the guest blogger to write their own author Bio
  • It will help them feel overwhelming about you.
  • Mention all the instructions and quality parameters on your guideline.

List the Benefits of Guest Blogging on your blog

Make sure that you are offering them some benefits for the guest blogger in return to their contribution towards on your blog. Here some examples of benefits you may include in your list.

  • Mention that whether you will give a link to their blog or not.
  • Mention the number of subscribers you have.
  • Tell them if your site is receiving a lot of visitors
  • Tell them how authoritative your website is.
  • Include information on whether you will give payment for their guest post.

Detail Your Guest Blogger Guidelines

Now you must explain the guideline for guest posting for guest poster. However, here are some examples you may use or take as an idea.

  • What type of topics are you looking for?
  • Do you have any requirements for length (word count) of the content?
  • What kind of structure and approach are you looking in the guest post?
  • Most importantly, mention what you are not going to allow in the post.
  • Make a list of things you will give and want from them before allowing them to write, like
    • Headline
    • Keyword
    • Post Structure
  • If you want to get the full post, then mention it in the guideline.
  • Tell them that how you want the application guest bloggers must submit.
  • If you want them to write a proposal, then mention it as well.
  • Mention if there are any rules regarding the deadlines of submitting articles.

Try to be specific regarding how well you want your guest posts, they should write. Most of the cases, blog owners are not feeling sensitive regarding the quality, but you must not be following the wrong way. Explain as much as detail the landing page as it is the guideline for your guest blogger.

Where to Find Guest Bloggers?

Woman sitting on couch, writing in notebook.

There are several places or platforms where you can find writers who are trying to find guest posting opportunities. This section is about those places if you try correctly then you may get a decent number of quality writers who will guest post on your blog. Let’ start,

The first platform we are going to share is influencers who write in your niche relevant content. You need to collect their email address through their social media profiles. There are different email finding tool where you can get their official email address.

The second platform we want to talk about is other blogs in your niche, especially those where they also allow guest posts. Find guest posts on those websites and reach the author and collect their contact info or leave your URL of the landing page, which contains guest posting guidelines.

Last but not least, Join social media groups related to blog writers then find out who is currently writing your niche relevant content. Reach them and offer them some extra value. For instance, there are several hundreds of writer’s groups on Facebook. Interact on those groups and talk with them via comments or in the inbox. Collect their contact email.

In the below, we will explain how to approach guest blogger as well as other essential things you need to keep in your mind during guest posting of your blog.

Be Careful Before Allowing the Guest Poster

Allowing guest post in your blog surely improve the authority of your website if you can understand which post to choose and which not to choose. Below you will have an idea of how you can be safe from mistakes during guest blogging for your website.

How to Approach and Recruit Guest Bloggers?

Now that you know where and how to find the guest blogger, the next significant task is to send them a pitch or proposal that they feel special and write for your blog. You need to send them a professional email. There is no other way you should follow, but this. If you can write a killer proposal, then write it by yourself, or you can hire someone to write it.

Remember, one thing that is typically you do not send email to all guest bloggers. You only need to get a few renowned guest writer’s guest post, and you should target them mainly. If you get their guest posts at least for once, then also your website may attract other guest writers

You must understand that most of the guest blog requests will come through your landing page. So, to convince the writers that your blog worth having a guest post from them, you need to make the landing page very appealing and attractive.

Share your guideline of landing page with those social platforms and groups of writers. So that, interested writers can communicate through the Form or your official email, which you put on the landing page.

Accept only quality guest posts

Once you will do all the above steps, you will have a flood of guest post requests on your blog. The next most significant job you need to do is check every single guest posts to make sure that the quality of them are as your expectation.

Compare the post with your guideline, and if you are not happy, then there’s no need to accept those articles. Remember that it is your profession and business, and you know that quality content is king on the internet. No one is going to read if the quality of your content is not appealing to the visitor.

In return for a good backlink or an author bio, you should want an article which your visitors will like. You need to put extra care into the structuring of the guest content because your visitors are familiar with the general structure of your blog. You must maintain the structure of your blog so that your subscribers or visitors can feel comfortable while reading it.

Talk with your guest bloggers

Do not forget to make open conversations with individual guest bloggers who are working with you. Even if you cannot approve any writer’s guest post, then also appreciate their efforts. Send them an email containing why you did not accept as well as tell them the improvements the article needs. This way, you will surely win the writer’s heart, and they will be honestly contributing to your blog.

Ask writers to share you’re their post on your blog. Follow them on different social media platforms and encourage them to keep up the creative work. It will make them understand that you care for them, and you are doing precisely the right thing you should do with your contributors.

Woman working on laptop at table with flowers.

How to Manage Guest Bloggers?

Managing guest bloggers can bring disaster to your blogging journey. You must develop a system for working with guest bloggers. There are several methods you can use to work comfortably. Here is the one we are following for quite a long time. If you follow this method, then you will be able to save a lot of time, which you may use to other important works.

According to a report on thousands of guest posts, we have reached to a conclusion at last. Now we recommend that before getting any guest post, it is beneficial to get the outline of the content. If you can get the outline in the first place, then you can customize according to your need or your preferences.

Now that you have decided the outline, then you need to create a contributor account if you are using WordPress CMS. However, if you are using different CMS, then create a user for the guest poster so that they can start drafting their content.

After they finish their draft, you only thoroughly check the content and edit if there anything you think is better. After finalizing the draft, just publish the content under the particular author.

Above mentioned guide would help you save a considerable amount of time, and it also help you keep the process automated.

How to Protect Yourself Against Abuses of Guest Blogger?

Guest posting is now at a scale that most of the people want to do it on their blog. Currently, there are risks involving in guest blogging. You need to be careful during the recruitment process of a guest blogger.

There are guest bloggers who write for their clients, and they often put their client’s site’s URL in their guest articles. If you are not careful while publishing the content, then you may bring a great disappointment.

Sometimes the guest bloggers include paid links to their guest post though google penalizes the paid links, as well as your blog, may get penalized by Google. So be very careful when you are publishing guest posts on your blog.

Finishing Words on How to Get Guest Posts For Your Blog

Guest blogging can be the most useful way to keep the content flow running on your blog. You must manage it as we were discussing it in the above guide. This guide is a result of an in-depth analysis of years of experiences which leads to writing a complete, actionable guide step by step guide on getting guest posts for your blog.

As we were saying about the risks, all we can suggest you that you need to be very thoughtful when it comes to your profession. You should be very professional sometimes while you are dealing with people who are also working as professionals.

We hope this guide will bring you guest posts request like charm. All you need to do is hold the rope and control everything by implementing the above mentions actionable steps and instructions on how to get guest posts for blog.

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