18 Types Keywords in SEO You Need to Know

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: January 4, 2021

Here's the most decently explained article on how many types of keywords in SEO

Keywords are the most essential element for any website to rank. Potential keywords are those key-phrases customers are searching on search engines.

Let's check out different types of keywords to understand which one will fit perfectly for your website.

How Many Types of Keywords are There in SEO?

Well, if you are in the SEO industry then you know that without keywords there are no such thing as SEO.

Founder of Backlinko, Brian Dean, quoted it like this, "I’m not exaggerating when I say that without the right keywords, there’s no such thing as SEO."

We can explained it like this way, keywords are those search phrases, people type on the search engine to find their desired things.

For any business, it is the crucial part where most people make mistakes. Surely, you must choose those targeted keyword, your consumers are using to find the product or service you are selling.

We have divided all keywords into several parts to make it easier to understand. Stick with us, and read the entire article, you will have a definite knowledge about keywords.

And if you do so, you will be able to decide which keywords are beneficial for you, which keywords you need to target to reach your consumers. Let's start,

There are in total of 18 different types of keywords in SEO. All of these keywords are divided into 5 groups. The 18 types of keywords divided into 5 categories are:

Types of Targeting Keywords

Targeting Keywords are the terms that we use to tie the audience, product or services, and industry. There are 6 types of targeting keywords, and they are:

  1. Market Segment Keywords: These search terms could be for a broad category or a particular good or service. A person might look for "dog food," for example. This general keyword might cause various search engine results related to the pet sector. 
  2. Customer-Defining Keywords: Customers who are looking for more particular products use search terms known as customer-defining keywords. The term "women's winter jackets" is one of them.
  3. Product Keywords: Product keywords are those that refer to the products of particular brands. These keywords are terms or concepts that specifically refer to the services of a business.
  4. Branded Keywords: Branded keywords are terms that are closely related to your company name, goods, and services. Both search engines and social media can be used to find these terms. Here is a list of some of the most common categories of branded keywords you'll meet online.
  5. Competitor Keywords: Competitor keywords are those your competitors use to improve their search engine ranks and drive more website visitors. You can appear on the same SERPs (search engine results pages) as your competitors by focusing on competitive keywords.
  6. Geo-Targeted Keywords: These are the location-specific keywords. Thus, local businesses and companies would be prioritized in a constantly expanding world with a growing market. These keywords direct searchers to a local set of results.

Types of Keywords by Length

In this group of keywords, each keyword is determined by its length or how long the keyword is. There are three types of keywords by length, and these are:

  1. Short-tail keywords: A general search term that often has 1-3 words and covers a wide topic is referred to as a short-tail keyword, also known as a "head term." Because short-tail keywords usually have more search volume than long-tail keywords, they bring more visitors to websites.
  2. Mid-tail keywords: A mid-tail keyword is a compromise between the two categories: the short-tail keywords that are highly competitive and in great demand and the long-tail keywords that are less competitive, longer, and more conversion-focused.
  3. Long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are keyphrases or keywords that are broader and more precise than more widely used keywords. Long-tail keywords are more precise and receive less search traffic, but they usually convert better.

Types of On-Site Keywords

These are the keywords that we use on new content and blogs. There are only two different types of on-site keywords, and they are:

  1. Primary Keywords: The main search terms used by your target market are known as primary keywords. Marketers use primary keywords to improve their content marketing strategy when creating content. Ranking for important keywords on search engine result pages (SERPS) will increase SEO rankings and increase traffic to your company's website.
  2. Related or LSI Keywords: According to many in the SEO industry, LSI keywords are words and phrases that Google considers to be semantically related to a topic. LSI keywords for a discussion on vehicles can include "automobile," "engine," "road," "tires," "car," and "automatic transmission."

Types of Google Ads Keywords

There are some particular keywords in Google ads that we use to create content for targeted campaigns. There are four types of Google ads keywords, and these are:

  1. Broad match keywords: When you choose a keyword match type, your advertisement will appear on searches relevant to your phrase's meaning, which may include searches that don't specifically mention the keyword terms. This allows you to access more searches than exact and phrase matches. All your terms are given the default match type, broad match.
  2. Phrase match keywords: A keyword match type allows you to display your ads on queries containing your term's definition. The keyword's meaning may be implicit, and user searches may reveal the keyword's meaning in more detailedly. With fewer searches than with broad matches and more searches than with exact matches, you can now reach more users.
  3. Exact match keywords: A type of keyword match that allows you to display your ads on queries with the same purpose or meaning as your keyword. Although it reaches fewer queries than both phrase and broad match, exact match gives you the most control over who sees your advertisement.
  4. Negative keywords: A specific kind of keyword that stops a specific word or phrase from engaging your advertisement. Nobody who does a search for that term sees your ads.

Types of Buyer Keywords

Buyer keywords are the keywords that searchers use. Buyers use these tears to do their search for specific products or services. There are three types of buyer keywords, and these are:

  1. Informational Keywords: When an online searcher wants to learn more about something, they use informative keywords and searches. The searcher's goal is to learn more and find information on the topic they are looking for, regardless of whether it is a good service, guide, or anything else.
  2. Navigational Keywords: Unlike informational keywords (searching for information) and transactional keywords, navigational keywords are a sort of long-tail keyword that search engines can identify as being a part of a search query with the intent to navigate to a certain website (looking to buy).
  3. Transactional Keywords: A keyword search in which the user indicates that they are prepared to make a purchase.

These are the keywords that SEO expert find out manually and also with the use of tools. This keyword makes content readily available for the crawlers, and that's how contents rank on google.

A keyword also helps searchers to find the specific product or service that he or she requires. A content writer uses these keywords to write SEO optimized articles.

When an article is written as an SEO-friendly article, searcher uses terms that you have placed on your content, and your content will appear on the search result.

Finals Words on Different Types of Keywords

We have tried to share different types of keywords, marketers are most commonly used. Whether you are a website owner, or a digital marketer, you must learn about these keywords.

It will help you to understand which types of keywords would return benefits to your business. If you still don't understand, then please read the above article on How many types of keywords are there in SEO again.

Finding Potential Keywords Need Expert Touch

Our SEO Experts are highly recommended in the SEO industry. Check our SEO services & get the best keywords that generates more organic visitors to your website.

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