Does Web Hosting Affect SEO Rankings?

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: January 4, 2021

Does web hosting affect SEO rankings? Well, fast-loading websites has a correlation with user-experience. Search engine ranks pages with better user experience.

When your website speed is fast, user can enter your website easily. Users spend more time on fast-loading sites. Let's check how web hosting affect SEO rankings.

Does Web Hosting Affect SEO Rankings?

Smoothly and fast operating websites have a higher chance of getting a better search engine ranking. But this is only possible when your domain is hosted on an excellent server.

Here are some highlights to understand why it is essential to select a reliable and effective hosting

  • Server Downtime

If your website is facing server downtime very frequently, then you probably have chosen the wrong web host. Server downtime affects the website, and the worst part is that it also affects your search engine ranking.

  • Page Load Time

Page load time is another factor that indicates how good is your web host. Higher page loading time means that your domain hosting is not providing a satisfactory service. Researches suggest that people do not like to wait on a webpage for more than 2 seconds.

Light Website Design Keeps Speed Faster

Besides the hosting server, only a light website design can keep your website loading speed faster than your competitor. Always choose light themes for your business website design. Keep it simple & user-friendly

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If your website is not fast enough, then visitors will tend to switch to another more convenient option. That is the prime reason why page loading time is such a critical factor.

  • Say No To Shared Hosting

Shared hosting may keep your pocket cool because it is a cost-effective option to go for. But do not forget that everything comes at a price.

Shared hosting lets you host multiple websites on one server. Because of using a shared server, the quality of hosting is being compromised.

Google tends to prefer a website with dedicated hosting, as shared hosting is not recommended for SEO. Does web hosting affect SEO rankings?

Yes, it does, and Google has confirmed that loading speed is one of the main ranking factor. And loading speed depends on the quality of your hosting server.

Shared hosting has many disadvantages, and one of the significant drawbacks is spamming. Cheaper hosts can serve anyone, including spammers.

  • Choose Local Host To Target Local Audience

The server's location has an essential role in providing a smooth and swift experience of browsing.

Having a server closer to your targeted audience ensures that the audience will be redirected to your site fast. That is how hosting location can affect SEO.

eCommerce tends to target the local audience as they are more likely to see their local market products. The simple reason behind the local listing's benefit is every website consists of an IP address related to the website's geographical location.

Having a local host will make it simple to target the local consumers, and this will also help the site to have a better ranking.

Here We End Our Discussion

Always try to use the best hosting service for your website. Read reviews online about those hosting companies. Website speed is a major ranking factor in SEO.

Read our article on "does web hosting affect SEO rankings?" carefully to understand it better. Otherwise, your site may get marked as slow loading website.

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