Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing for Nonprofits Organizations [Ultimate Guide]

  • Post By: Faisal Mustafa
  • Published: June 21, 2021

Digital marketing is one of the best ways to spread out a company's business activities and offerings. It is a cheap, affordable, and effective strategy to reach customers with your product or service. It is precisely why digital marketing has taken over a considerable chunk of the advertising budget of companies.

Among several types of organizations, nonprofits are a vital part of our society. Nonprofit organizations are also called non-business entities. These organizations are legal entities that work for the betterment and public benefits of society. The revenue a nonprofit generates goes straight into the business operations rather than going into the owners' pockets.

Digital marketing strategy for nonprofit is essential. It is the roadmap for promoting the goodwill services of the organization.

This article will focus on creating digital marketing for nonprofits organizations and suggest some marketing plans for nonprofits to execute the strategies.

A Brief Understanding of Digital Marketing Strategy for Nonprofits

Nonprofit digital marketing strategies are a core part of business for the organization. It is the digital strategic planning for nonprofits to put their fundraising and donor acquisition activities through online advertising methods.

Online marketing for nonprofits has reached an era with a wide range of tools and outlets. As a result, it is crucial to strategize the fundraising marketing plan to overcome the challenges and competitions. Without a logical, unified, unique, and visible marketing strategy for a nonprofit organization, it is tough to grab donor attention.

However, creating the best digital marketing strategies can be intimidating and tricky. There are several steps to building the optimum design. Moreover, there are several possible plans that you must choose from or apply to your organizational digital marketing strategies.

You can channel your nonprofit's digital strategy by the industry's goals, budget, constraints, infrastructure, and market behavior. Therefore, the digital marketing plans should comply with your organization's position.

Initially, you will go through the four stages in understanding and creating the best possible fundraising strategies for nonprofits.

4 Stages in Creating the Best Nonprofit Digital Marketing Strategy

There are four stages of the process of developing the best digital marketing strategies for your nonprofit. As an owner, you should consider following a few steps that will allow you to create the marketing plan best suitable for your nonprofit.

Identification stage

The first stage of the digital marketing strategy process is the identification stage. As the name suggests, you identify the current position of your nonprofit in this stage. It will eventually tell you the nonprofit's goal, who your potential target customers are to reach through the digital platforms, and all the budgetary, physical, and technological elements that will shape the nonprofit fundraising strategy.

In this stage, you should conduct three essential tasks to understand your organization better.

Task 1: determine the goals of your nonprofit

This is the foundation of the strategies you develop for your organization. Defining the goals of your nonprofit will ensure that the marketing strategies are practical and systematic.

To begin with the task, you can initiate by writing down some primary goals of any nonprofit. Now, go deep into the plans and find what your organization requires in both the short-term and long-term.

The following 5-step approach can ensure finding the most personalized goals of your nonprofit.

Identifying the gaps

The gaps will tell you the necessity of the marketing strategies to be developed. Find out the current lack of digital marketing plans and identify areas to improve to get the best outcome.

Analyzing key metrics

The existing data in your database will come in handy to quantify the achievable goals of your nonprofit. For instance, suppose boosting your online posts could be one intended strategy. Then, use the data to analyze which posts to boost will ensure maximum engagement with the customers.

Considering the role of technology

The nature of your goals would determine the kind of tools you need to use to execute the plans. Again, conducting an audit can assist in this step to dictate the toolkit and employee skillset to use those tools.

Talking to the stakeholders

The stakeholders are directly involved with the operations of the organization. Therefore, reaching out to them with the analysis and possible plans is a must.

Reviewing long-term goals

Identifying organizational goals should not be limited to solving any short-term issue. Instead, it would be best to focus on finding what the organization wants to do in the long run and develop long-term strategies.

Task 2: Examine the brand and its audience

The next task is to research your brand purpose and find vital customers. It will eventually guide you through creating a customer segment that you can target through the marketing strategies.

Segmenting the correct target audience can ensure the proper implementation of the marketing strategies. In addition, you will be able to determine customer and donor needs, wants, and demands.

To flawlessly execute the task, focus more on data. Use Google Analytics, CRM, and best Email marketing tools to identify current trends and audience engagement plans.

Task 3: Define obligations and bindings

This task to creating the digital marketing plans requires you to be more self-evaluator. You should consider finding constraints to prepare contingency plans if or when things go south.

Consider understanding the budget of your organization. Allocating enough money to the marketing campaigns should be approved by the stakeholders as well.

Furthermore, investigate the technical skillset of your company. Are the employees equipped with enough tools to execute the plans? How will the utilization of online tools affect the budget?   

Planning stage

In the planning stage, your job is to create a basic outline of the possible marketing plans. Eventually, you should be able to prepare a concrete and integrated fundraising strategic plan for nonprofits. You have two tasks in this stage.

Task 1: Arming the employees with skillset and tools

In the first stage, your task was to find out whether the employees were competent in using the tools or not. In this stage, it is crucial to act on those findings.

It is crucial to utilize available online tools to bring out the best result from the strategies. Your current employees will use the software. Therefore, it is also essential to ensure that the employees are skilled in using the tools.

You can consider seeking the consultation of any nonprofit technology consultant. The consultant will run audits, identify gaps, and develop the internal technological setup.

Task 2: Ensuring communication through proper channel

Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations is a way for your organization to reach out to customers. This means that communication is necessary to implement the strategies.

There are several ways you can reach out to the customers and the fundraisers. Many social media platforms are usable as well as other digital media platforms. Your task in this stage is to determine the exact channel to execute the ideas. Many tools will automatically come along with those platforms that you must use to bring out the best result.

An organization's website can be another robust platform to communicate regularly with potential customers. Although it can be costly, you should ensure that the website is constantly updated and upgraded with the best features.

Execution stage

After preparing the plans, it is now time to get into the market and execute them. Executing the strategies involves integrating the marketing tools and techniques that we discussed in the previous two stages. Things should be bringing results now. Your job is to ensure that the implementation and the purpose of the strategies blend correctly.

The only task: Ensuring integration between the marketing strategies and purpose

The core purpose of any nonprofit digital marketing strategy is to enhance the fundraising opportunities of the organization. As a result, it is crucial to ensure proper integration between the marketing strategies and the fundraising purposes.

There are several fundraising supports, outlets, and software available. Your task is to select and maintain the most suitable organizational goals and digital marketing strategies.

Analysis stage

The last stage in creating the best digital marketing strategies for your nonprofit is the stage where you analyze the outcomes and figure out further steps. It might be the last stage, but the post-execution analysis is crucial to sustaining the market for a long time.

The only task: Measuring success

You have put a lot of effort into the strategies. Therefore, measuring success is crucial to move forward.

There are numerous metrics, analytics tools, and conversion validations you can utilize to analyze the results of digital marketing campaigns. The critical job here is to find out what worked and what did not work by breaking down the goals and matching them with the fundamental strategies.

5 Must Digital Marketing for Nonprofits Organizations

Setting up the digital marketing strategies for any organization can be a challenging task. The idea is to know and utilize the most suitable tools and techniques for your organization. Here are five digital marketing options that you must select to prepare the best marketing campaigns.

Analytics tools

The first thing you should utilize is the analytics tools. It can create the foundation of your business. You can analytically measure numerous attributes of the organization and marketing campaigns with analytics tools.

Therefore, the first job is to get Google Analytics for your nonprofit organization. Then, learn and teach the whole organization about its necessity and usage. It can also help you set analytics goals that you can set and achieve through digital marketing strategies.

Moreover, you can utilize Google Tag Manager to track user activities through social media posts and the nonprofit page. Keep the data for the analysis stage to examine the results and plan further.

Content marketing strategy

As simple as it may seem, content strategies can be a crucial part of your communication with the donors, fundraisers, volunteers, and visitors to your nonprofit. It allows you to share positive experiences and campaigns of your organization.

Content marketing involves setting a landing page with a "Hero Image" to create a positive brand image. In addition to that, including blog posts that are motivational and socially impactful.

Furthermore, the website or the social media page can include a call-to-action through positive content marketing strategies. You can consist of donation options and fundraising opportunities virtually. Remember to evaluate and update the content videos and images that continue to be in trend.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC can enhance customer engagement to your nonprofit website. You can add trendy and engaging keywords for users to create traffic on your webpage constantly.

Therefore, your job is to create a Google Ad account and set up keywords for PPC campaigns. Then, publish the ads and generate leads on your website.

Paid social media marketing

Social media has been a pivotal contributor to the digital marketing campaigns for almost every small and large business. While most of the options are free to use, nonprofits can utilize several paid version opportunities to advertise their activities.

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are three of the most widely used social media platforms globally. You can sign up for Facebook Charitable Giving, Instagram Donations, and Hashtag advertisements throughout the platforms to promote organizational purposes.

Social media platforms cover a broad market to target through digital marketing campaigns. However, it is essential to produce creative, engaging, and trendy content on social media platforms to enhance KPI and get the best result with a limited budget.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy

The last on our list of digital marketing opportunities is SEO campaigns allow the nonprofit website to be on the top of search results in the search engines.

The goal should be to appear at least at the top 3 search results on Google. This will ensure that your website is discoverable by users.

The best way to optimize search engine results is to create an attractive website. Moreover, advertise the organizational activities through the proper channels with trendy keywords. You should make sure that the webpage is beautiful and mobile-friendly.

The first step to begin SEO campaigns is to sign up in Google Search Console. Then, run proper keyword research and optimize the keywords through contents on the website. Finally, set up Google My Business to analyze results and set SEO goals accordingly.


Developing digital marketing for nonprofits organizations can be an arduous task that can make or break everything you have been working for. It is also crucial to enhance reach and engagement. It would be best if you considered allocating maximum resources to executing the strategies to run successful campaigns. A well-crafted, properly implemented, and goal-oriented digital marketing campaign can bring ample success to your nonprofit.


  • What is Digital Marketing for Nonprofits?

Digital marketing for nonprofits is to promote the fundraising activities of the nonprofit organization through virtual platforms.

  • Why Do Nonprofits Need Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing supports the goals of nonprofits and promotes engaging contents on virtual platforms. This is a necessity for nonprofits to enhance conversion and grow exponentially through each new campaign.

  • How Do You Market a Nonprofit?

There are several ways to market a nonprofit. You should utilize social media platforms, ensure SEO and PPC advertising, and produce engaging contents to market a nonprofit.

  • Is Marketing Useful for Nonprofit Organizations?

Yes, marketing is beneficial for nonprofit organizations. This can ensure that the organizational activities reach far out to increase funding to allow the organization to more social problems.

  • How Do I Grow a Small Nonprofit Business?

The best way to grow a small nonprofit business is the market the impacts of the organization. Always try to ensure that the organization focuses on its mission and people trust the organization to solve societal issues.

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