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Web Design for Lawyers: The Definite Guide

  • Post By: Anup Kanti Ghosh
  • Published: December 5, 2021

The internet has changed the world greatly over the last few decades. There is no doubt that now we are much dependent on the internet and technology. The internet made our life super comfortable, and technology went beyond it.

Whether you want to shop or find a restaurant or some products, your first search destination is online. And notably, online has some amazing presence of stores which makes finding anything super easy.

We are talking about the online presence of a store or service. And what can be the most authentic and trustworthy identity other than a professional website?

Yes, for products and services, the website is a must for your identity and authenticity. Thus, law firms require a good professional website to grow their client base.

In this article, you will get to know about the definite guide of web design for clients. The areas will include:

  • Basic website design
  • SEO for organic traffic
  • Contents for website
  • Marketing
  • Tips and tricks

This article will also guide you to build a professional and well-optimized website for your law firm.

Why does Web Design for Lawyers Matter?

The website ensures the presence of your law firm strongly. Now, people have no time to search for law firms physically; rather, they search online to solve their legal problems.

And your clients will also search for the best service provider online. So, this implies, you need to design a strong and professional website to handle your client's demand for information.

A law firm website should be easy to understand, informative, effective, and constructive, so your clients find your website smarter than others. So, for your service, knowing step-by-step web design is a major step in establishing your site.

Content for Law Firm Website

Including pages that offer content that is most relevant to your audience is a necessary element of the strategy required if you want to establish an attractive law firm website that generates many leads.

There are 12 pages listed below that you must read.

  1. Homepage
  2. Our Firm
  3. Lawyer Biographies
  4. Practice Area Pages
  5. Sub-Practice Area Pages
  6. Blog Section
  7. Contact Us
  8. Form for "Requesting A Consultation"
  9. Reviews and Testimonials
  10. Case Studies
  11. Procedure Page
  12. FAQs

How website design helps your law firm grow faster?

There is no surprise that legal advisors have less expertise in technology and website development. They are masters at their profession. So, making a website and developing content can be difficult for them.

But recently, everything has been more digital, more technology-based. To grow your business, you also need to be compatible with website development.

Clients always seek information. Even if clients have personal recommendations, they will still look for more on the websites. So, the website is much more helpful to grow a strong client base.

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Things to know before you do web design for your law firm

You need first to decide that you want website development for your legal services and online entity. Then the next step is how to set up your site.

You need to understand what type of site do you need for your service. Based on that, choose the design and look of your site.

Do you want a DIY website or a professional one?

You need first to decide that you want website development for your legal services and online entity. Then the next step is how to set up your site.

You need to understand what type of site do you need for your service. Based on that, choose the design and look of your site.

Do you want a DIY website or a professional one?

You are the one who knows exactly the workload of your firm. And you know what exactly your website needs to show to the clients.

If you need a simple website, the site may contain your contact, address, business name, and basic information about the business. When your business has repeat clients and thousands of referrals, a simple website is enough for your business identity online.

But if your business is of more information, service description, and you want something better than other law firms or attorneys, then you should invest more in your law firm's web design.

We will let you know of two basic perspectives of setting up your law firm website. One is to do it by yourself, and another is to hire a professional.

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1. How to design your law firm website by yourself:

If you have enough time to research how to design your website at a low cost, you can go for it.

Before that, you need to ensure time and a bit of knowledge on creating your law firm website. There are many tools with which you can design your website.

· WordPress:

WordPress is a very popular tool to create your DIY website with the template you like. It is one of the trusted platforms to choose thousands of templates for your law firm's website design.

You will get a website editor tool here by which you can edit the website templates as you like to. You will also receive mobile and desktop apps and 24/7 customer support.

So just choose the templates and layout for your website, and design it on your own.

· Juris Page:

Juris Page is another trusted platform to create and design websites for a law firm. A lawyer founded it. So, the website design and layout are more focused on establishing law firm websites.

The platform helps design the website to grow potential clients and businesses. You will get the option to streamline lead generation. As a law firm has established the venue, the platform is pretty much relevant to law firm website designing.  

· LawLytics:

LawLytics is an excellent tool for smaller law firms to build a new website or develop the existing one. You need the membership of LawLytics to get access to create, build and maintain your site. You will get all the technical things easily done here.

These platforms are easy to make a DIY website for law firms. But, indeed, this is not comparable with professional web designs. If you want a quality website for your law firm, you need to invest in it. A professional website is necessary for your law firm's brand establishment.

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2. Hire professional law firms, web developers:

Establishing your law firm as a brand will need a high-quality professional website. DIY websites are good but for simple works. When you extend your work, hire a professional team to create the web according to your demand.

There are so many professional service providers who work as web developer firms. But they will indeed charge you for creating the site and maintenance.

The cost of web development varies from service to service. The small law firms will need to pay less price than the bigger attorney law firms. The cost depends on the design, pages, and additional features and contents, and support.

If you feel that the cost is higher, you can go with the DIY route. But remember that professional web development can grow your business and client base faster.

Rather, you can create the website by developers initially and train yourself on maintenance if you feel the cost is higher. But remember, your cost is the investment that will lead you to the growth of your business.

Let's take a look at the things you need to focus on while working with professional web developers:

What to look for selecting a professional website designer for your law firm:

If you decide to choose a professional website designer for your law firm, you need to first look for the designer who will provide you with the best budget-friendly service considering all your demands.

The other things you need to focus on:

  • Availability of the designer to start work with you
  • The time they will take to complete the task
  • Training that they provide to you to use the site
  • The support they provide in the future after completing the design
  • Emergency support if the site breaks down
  • The steps they take to optimize your site for search engines
  • The actions they take to make you able to update your contents by own
  • Responsiveness of your site to mobile and tablet browsing
  • Ownership of domain and hosting accounts

Discuss all the queries to the developer team clearly and decide all the time schedules and requirements. Meanwhile, find the best website designer for your law firm. 

Images of your website:

Images are one of the key points that make your site look good and relevant to the clients. Good photos have a high impact on clients.

There are two important factors that you need to discuss with your developer.

  • The concern is whether you are choosing the right image for your website or not. There are lots of pictures, but you cannot upload them all. It would be best to be careful about choosing a professional and polished image for your site to make your clients more interested. Your image should contain your brand voice so that you can tell everything through your image.
  • The other concerning issue is your image quality. You must upload high-quality images to your site, but check whether the resolution is issuing your site speed. Mostly, high-resolution images make websites slow down. So, you need to compress your image size without hampering its quality.

If your site is going slower, check the site speed. A slow site will drive away your clients. Better is to optimize your image to have the highest speed on the website.

Accessibility of your site:

Accessibility is another important point you need to discuss with your web developer. Your website must need to be accessible to mobile and tablet. Forget the statistics that will show that you have more users from a desktop. Use tools to see how mobile-friendly your site is. Or ask the developer to make the site accessible to both desktop and mobile so that your site can generate more users.

Mobile access to your site helps find your potential clients. So, check the image scales and other issues so that the site looks lucrative on mobile.

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How to do SEO for lawyer websites to grow organic traffic?

Creating and developing a website is not all for your law firm. You need to take measures so people can find your website easily online. For organic reach, search engine optimization is the main key to reaching out to your clients.

SEO is not easy, yet it is important for your site's organic traffic. If you continue practicing SEO on your website, your site will drive more organic search results, eventually making more clients for your law firm.

It would help if you had certain strategies to rank your website on google. Ranking your site means it's easy to find on google, which ensures your firm's trustworthiness.

Basic steps for your law firm SEO:

There are certain steps that you need to follow to make a strategy for your law firm SEO.

  • You have to write significantly important and good content for your website. The content should be neat and clean, clear, and easy to understand. No incomplete information should contain. And most importantly, the content should have the quality to connect the reader.
  • After writing quality content, you need to search for relevant keywords and optimize them for your content. Optimizing keywords in range get excellent search results.
  • The next step is to advertise and promote your content to various platforms, say google or social media. Promoting content in social media helps establish your law firm as a brand.
  • Along with the website, you need to establish your identity in social media too. It will help you maintain your online reputation.
  • Maintain online, offline, and technical SEO accordingly.

Along with hiring a web developer and designer, you can hire an SEO expert too for getting an organic result for your law firm business.


Doing SEO by yourself can sometimes be time-consuming as you are an expert in your area. If you invest in an SEO expert, it will eventually drive you, good clients.

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Tips on Content writing for your law firm

Before you start SEO for your website, you need quality content that will drive your customers' interest. The more your content is lucrative, the more your site will have a great look. And most importantly, your clients need important information regarding your service. So, your content should meet up all the demands of clients.

There is no doubt that engaging content can grab more clients. So, there is no other option than to create good and interesting content. To write quality content, you need to know some tricks which drive client's attention. Here go some tips on how to write quality content for your law firm website:

Understand your reader

The foremost important thing is to understand what your client wants. Clients' need is the basic thing that you will ultimately put into your content. So, understand what your client wants to read on your law website.

Target your potential client base to attract through engaging content. But try to avoid unnecessary contents which will make your clients confused. Try to write in easy and understandable words. Mass people will not understand the legal jargon, so that clients will get confused. 

Be clear of your write up

your writings should be clear to you. The wordings, the sentence structure should be easy and simple, so the reader does not get bored or find it hard to read. It would help if you clarified what you want to make the reader understand.

Generate call-to-action

Call-to-action implies that content or voice or the attention-drawing text that attracts your visitor to be your client. 

What is the ultimate goal of establishing your law firm website? You seek more clients for your service that's why you need to make an established website.

Your call-to-action line helps you turn your website visitors into a client. So, you must be very careful in writing your call-to-action message. It should be simple yet concise.

Tips for maintaining your law firm website

The article is about a complete about on your law firm website. So, when you are ready to build your website, you need to keep in mind certain tips and tricks to have a successful attorney website for your law firm. Those are described below:

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Ethical marketing rules of your law firm website

To grow your law firm, you need to start marketing your law firm's website. But do not think that marketing is effortless and unchallenging. Your law firm needs some good practice with ethical marketing.

The common ethical online marketing rules for your law firm website that you need to follow are:

  • There are certain rules that you need to follow while marketing your law firm website. Your firm needs to know all the rules and regulations for dealing with your website and strictly follow the rules. As a law firm, you must follow an ethical marketing strategy.
  • Avoid the common mistakes of marketing strategies.
  • Be careful of using testimonials of your former clients. Testimonials give your website a positive vibe, but sometimes testimonials are governed by some rules to be the right disclaimer. So, make sure about all the rules and upload the okay testimonials for your law firm website.
  • Blogs are an excellent tool to promote your website. But there are some issues with ethical opinions of advertising blogs on your site. So you can keep a copy of the blog for 2 years only. Be careful of all such rules regarding marketing your law firm website.

1. Prioritize your website visitors

When your website is a quality one, your visitors are going to turn into your clients. So, prioritize your clients and their needs. Put all the things on your website that your client wants to read and see. Focus on client demand. Only marketing your site to your customers will not bring you, potential clients.

You must make your target audience list. Most of the law firm websites do not contain information that people need. So, include that information that is required.

Before starting a content development plan for your law firm website, ask yourself three questions to develop an effective strategy.

What type of your client base is?

You need to understand your client base very well to make content on their choice. You must check your potential client's background, their communication with you, and their need. Also, try to catch up with their lifestyle. It will be easy to develop your content when you know everything about your clients.  

What does your client want?

When you get to know your client more specifically, it will be easy to understand what they want. You have to put yourself in their situation to feel their demand and the service they seek from you. So you can put all those things on your website. Your client's state of mind should reflect in your website.

What does your client feel?

Understand your client's problems, how they feel about the injustice they suffer. How is their pain, frustration, rage, anger, etc., and how do they want to be cured? When people contact you, they want a solution and previous case samples also.

2. Make it easy to access your contact information

Your website needs your full and updated contact information. Most people do not have the updated address of their physical office or phone number. Clients need to get in touch with you after accessing your website sometimes.

Websites without proper contact information are of no use. People who need legal help can sometimes be mentally vulnerable. Giving your full contact information to contact you both online and offline helps your client break the barrier. Multiple options say email address, phone number, social media contacts, office address, should be included in website contact information.

3. Make your website easy to navigate 

Design your website in such a way that your visitors get it easy to navigate. Check everything with your designer and developer so your visitors do not face problems finding your contact information or fixing an appointment with you. 

4. Observe pages of your site

There are certain things on your website you need to keep an eye on:

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About page

Your about page should include your details, experiences, and expertise, and how passionate you are about your profession.

The tone of your writing should be a bit friendly and comfortable as if you are talking directly with your client, so when they read your about page, they get the same vibe talking face to face with you.

Contact page

Each website has a contact page where you put all your contact information: office address, phone number, email address, social media contacts, etc.   

Another important thing is to include a contact form that will help you collect leads for further follow-up.

Blog page

Your blog page should contain the everyday issue of a person related to law. You can tell here everything in a friendly tone to your clients.

Also, you can share every current issue detail on your blog page with your client. Especially your clients don't know about the legal jargon, so share a bit of detail about it, so they know all the terms better. 

But before writing or uploading blogs, it is necessary to check the ethical rules of jurisdictions.


You can quote your happy client's testimonials to your site as a referral. It will help your business grow. Try to use specific testimonials on your site. True testimonials help to let your client understand why your service is better than other firms.  

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Clients are eager to know your fees so they can compare them to other law firms. But if your service is better than others, fees shall not matter to clients.

But you need to clarify on your site how you charge or what the payment is per hour, or you take a flat fee. 

If there is no obligation, you can share the primary idea of your fees with your clients. 

5. Apply HTML headers

Headers are important for optimized content. Header tag in HTML makes your content precise and relevant. Also, header tags imply significance and hierarchy of information.

Header tags are like the table of contents of a document. It helps to find relevant information. You need to use header tags properly for search engine optimization of your site. Google understands header tags well, so the result is well displayed in search results.   

6. Promptness of your law firm website

When creating and developing your attorney law firm website, make sure that your website is helpful for others.

Ask yourself whether the information you are putting in is good for your clients or not. Put your leg in the shoe of your client and see.

You need to research what problem a client can face. It can be regarding divorce, support, unethical termination from a job, or anything. So, you put those services and support on your site to help your client.

7. Detect digital blunders 

The purpose of developing a website for your law firm is to grow your business and establish your business as a brand. So, your developer should be careful of any digital blunders regarding website development.

Test all the links regularly so you can see if the links are broken or not. And also, check the grammar and spelling regularly.

Final Words

To have an established law business, developing a website has no other option. To create an effective web design for lawyers, you need the right procedure to design your website. Your investment in a law firm website is worthy because it assists in growing your business.


  • Do lawyers need a website?

Yes, lawyers need a website for their attorney law firm.

  • How do I create a law firm website?

You can create your website by yourself or can take professional help.

  • How does a law firm website be essential for growing a law business?

A law firm website helps to grow an online presence which eventually builds trustworthiness among visitors; thus, the visitors turn into clients, and the business grows this way.

  • How do you find a reliable law firm web design service provider?

you can choose through different website developers who provide web design and development services. VISER X is an excellent web design service provider who can draw your dream site as you want.

  • How does VISER X can help you with the law firm's web design?

VISER X has an outstanding professional web design team that works for numerous web design services. The expert team is there to help you to design your law firm website.

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