The release of AI had a huge impact on the domain of content writing. Originally designed to simplify tasks, generating content like blogs and articles using AI became a trend. You can write some prompts in AI like Chatgpt or Gemini, and it will generate content for you in seconds! Sounds fun and easy, doesn’t it?
But AI content is not fun to read. If you are generating content using AI, you have to give the content a touch of life to make it reader-friendly. This process is called Humanizing AI Content. You may be wondering:
“How to humanize AI content?”
Let’s buckle up and find out the answer to it.
The problem with AI content is it is boring and robotic, kinda like being in a boring physics class. Now, there are two main goals for writing content.
You could achieve the second goal, which is optimizing the content for search engines using AI. But, AI content is not engaging. People love storytelling, interesting, informative, and juicy content. Content with such properties is called “Reader-friendly Content.”
AI content is not user-friendly, as it lacks the emotional impact of human writers. Also, Google may take action against your content if it is not humanized properly. Therefore, you must give life to your boring and robotic AI-generated content to keep the readers entertained.
AI is like an enormous library of information that you can access anytime with minimum effort. It is really cool how you can just give it some commands, and it will give you precise data. AI will take your command and search through the whole internet to show you the results in an organized manner. They use NLP (Natural Language Processing) and ML (Machine Learning) technology to understand your prompt and try to mimic the output like humans.
However, generating content is a different story!
The output can mimic humans, but it will never be the same. Content writing is not all about data and stats. Yes, it is an important part, but that’s not all. It is natural for AI content to be robotic and boring. At the end of the day, it is generated by just a machine.
Different people use different methods to make their content alive. Humanizing depends on several aspects like target audience and the motive of the content. Mainly, there are three popular methods used to give your AI content a human touch.
While both the first and second options are used by people, in the end, you have to do some manual editing. Because those two methods will make your AI content more human-like, but those are also AI. It is like going around in circles. These methods may reduce your work but will not complete it. So, you have to do it yourself.
Writing prompts is the only thing that you can do to manipulate the output of AI. Since AI is an algorithm running in a big computer, everything is zeroes and ones for it. The best you can do is to write clear and specific prompts so that the computer understands your command better. Let’s look at an example to make things easier.
Suppose you need to write a fairy tale story for kids under 12 years old. You can write a prompt in your AI like:
“Write a fairy tale story.”
The AI will take your command and generate a random story that will have a story, but the presentation will be boring and mechanical. You bet the kids are going to hate this story.
Rather than using a simple one-line prompt, you can explain what you need and specify the AI about your requirements. Include a context, some examples if possible, and specify the details. Look at this command:
“Write a fairy tale about dragons and treasures for kids under 10 years old. The story should be easy to understand for them. Use a storytelling approach but don’t sound too cheesy. Avoid complicated words and keep the grammer as simple as it gets.”
Just run the first and second prompts in Chatgpt or any other AI. You will see the difference yourself!
Tools make the work even easier as you are using another AI to humanize your AI content. That sounds weird, right? But it actually works! There are AI tools that can reduce your work of manually giving a human touch to your content. Don’t know which tools to use? Don’t worry; we have your back. We have prepared a list of the top 6 tools that can give your content more of a human approach.
You will find tons of tools that can paraphrase your content and give it a human touch, like Quillbot.
Editing AI content manually is a compulsory task that you have to do to humanize it. The tools can just reduce your work and make it easier. It is not an easy task to keep your audience hooked to your content till the end. Because not people have a lot of options and are really impatient. If they don’t like the first 3 seconds of scrawling, they will just hit the back button and move on to the next option. They need interesting, straightforward, and juicy content that will keep them entertained.
To make your AI content user-friendly, you can include and exclude some aspects carefully. Let’s see what you need to add to your AI content:
The first thing you need to implement is human expressions and feelings in your content. This will come naturally as you go through the content. With great news, make the sentence feel happy; for bad news, make it sad, and the same for the other expressions. Adding human expressions will help your reader connect to your content emotionally.
Everything depends on the audience you target, their preference, and their behavior. Let’s look at an example that will help you understand the point easily.
Suppose you are writing a scientific journal targeting a community of veteran scientists. You have to keep a formal tone, and your approach will be serious. You will talk about complicated scientific mechanisms but don’t need to elaborate on the terms too much because they already know it. You will cover advanced aspects of the topic with deep discussion. If you explain basic stuff to make it lengthy or the approach is goofy, the audience will consider the article immature and for the beginner. They will get bored and skip you to look for more serious and deep content. You won’t want that, right?
But, if you are writing on the same topic and the target audience is teenage school students, the scenario will change. You will use simple words to cover the basics of the topic. The approach of the content will be goofy and casual. If you talk about complicated stuff for too long, they will get bored and lose interest.
Similarly, depending on your audience, you have to adjust the tone, approach, and content body of the AI content.
It is one of the oldest tricks in the book to ask questions to the reader to grab their attention. Whenever you think the content is getting too stiff, just drop a question. And trust me, it always works. So, how are you supposed to drop a question? Yes, just like that. It will help you to interact with your readers. Asking questions gives the content a conversational element that works like a charm to keep the attention of your audience.
You must keep a consistent tone throughout the content. You can’t keep a formal and casual tone if the same content is targeting the same audience. It actually doesn’t make sense. AI has a common flaw of mixing different approaches and tones in the same content. This flaw reduces the integrity and professionalism of your content. The readers will get confused and may never come back. That’s bad news, no doubt.
Including real-life experiences and using practical examples is one of the best traits of reader-friendly content. It helps the readers relate to the situation and hooks them to your content. AI content lacks this trait and you must include it while editing manually. It will create a reliable bond between you and your audience. Every writer tries their best to create such a bond of trust.
We all know that the machines do not have consciousness. They follow a set of instructions to generate sentences. Hence, they repeat the same information, have common sentence patterns, have grammatical mistakes, have complex terms, have difficult word selection, and have defects in the formation of sentences. AI tends to make the explanation of the topic rather complex. That is a big NO for crafting engaging content. Keep things simple and present the discussion in an understandable manner to your audience.
It will make your content engaging and compelling. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?
Using AI to generate content is not a crime. Google and other search engines prefer quality content. Quality always was, is, and will be the key trait of good content. If your AI content is properly humanized, is rich in relevant and authentic information, properly optimized for SEO, and is user friendly, it will surely rank in SERP. After all, all that matters is the quality of the content, not the origin.
No. Google is focused on the quality of the content rather than the origin. So, if you have quality content, it doesn’t matter whether it is AI or not; Google will rank it.
No. Google considers the authenticity of your content, information, user engagement, and so many other factors before ranking. Therefore, your content has to be optimized for both SEO and readers.
No matter how far they develop AI, at the end of the day, it will still be just an algorithm running on a big computer. So, it is not possible for AI to replace humans, as we have the ability to develop creative thoughts. But hey, who knows the future?